Interesting and Humour - page 2698

Впервые в истории Россия не получила "золота" на математической олимпиаде
  • Александр Привалов
Впервые в истории сборная школьников нашей страны не завоевала на Международной математической олимпиаде ни одной золотой медали. Это позор В Чианг-Мае (Таиланд) завершилась 56-я Международная математическая олимпиада. Сборная российских школьников показала на ней небывалые результаты: впервые за всё время участия в подобных соревнованиях, то...

I wonder how much blood, hearts, kidneys, livers and other human organs are consumed by this whole god-awful sect of reptiloid wits?

The funniest truth is that real pundits have absolutely no need for other people's organs, because their knowledge is quite sufficient to have their own organs in perfect condition at any age.

Nikolay Kositsin:

I wonder how much blood, hearts, kidneys, livers and other human organs are consumed by this whole god-awful sect of reptiloid wits?

The funniest truth is that real pundits have absolutely no need for other people's organs, because their knowledge is quite sufficient to have their own organs in perfect condition at any age.

"Any age" usually ends at the age of 75, then no more "wisdom" is enough. And no one cancels genetic predisposition to various nasty diseases. So they save money for spare parts to prolong their existence just a little bit longer.
Vitalie Postolache:
"Any age" usually ends by the age of 75, then no amount of "wisdom" is enough. And there is a genetic predisposition to all sorts of nasty ailments. So they save up money for spare parts to prolong their existence just a little bit longer.
Alas, sir, but your view reflects the worldview of a classical modern crowd-elitist individual, made according to templates of Talmudic canons. There is no problem in principle to cover the living young flesh of a hopelessly aged old man! Of course, within certain limitations associated with irreversible physical damage. At the moment, however, with the totalitarian sect of the Satanists taking over the world, this knowledge is a weapon of the select few, and will hardly be available for universal study under the current state of affairs.
Nikolay Kositsin:

I wonder how much blood, hearts, kidneys, livers and other human organs are consumed by this whole god-awful sect of reptiloid wits?

The funniest truth is that real pundits have absolutely no need for other people's organs, because their knowledge is quite sufficient to have their own organs in perfect condition at any age.

This, as you put it, "reptiloid fiend from a disgusting cult" graduated from Harvard, got his PhD in economics, spent more than 1.2 billion dollars on charity.

And has done a lot of good for both the former Soviet Union and the Russian Federation.

And what is wrong with a man of such an advanced age improving his health at his own expense?

Nikolai! Don't breathe in anger - it's bad for your own health and repugnant from an ethical point of view.

Believe me, it's nothing personal.
Aleksey Levashov:
You should go and see this "angel". And don't make people laugh with your naivety. ))
Anatoli Kazharski:
You should go and see this "angel". And don't make people laugh with your naivety. ))
Well, the way you can counter-argue is already known for a fact.

Your so-called counter-arguments can simply be taken apart into quotes. However, for the same reason - the lack of counterarguments - I have no intention of debating with you.
Aleksey Levashov:
Well, how you can counter-argue is already known for a fact.

Your so-called counter-arguments can simply be taken apart into citations. However, for the same reason - the lack of counterarguments - I have no intention of debating with you.

But I intend to put a stop to the nonsense of "naive dandelions".

Because you pretend, or perhaps it is just your innate naivety or stupidity that prevents you from understanding what competition is on the world stage. And that there are no angels who want so much good for you, giving you a variety of toys, like beads once did to millions of Indians who were then slaughtered and poisoned clean, and just so willing to rid you poor people of evil tyrants and dictators who hold sway over you. )))

Anatoli Kazharski:

giving you a variety of toys, just as beads were once given to millions of Indians, who were then carved up and poisoned to death....

Is this about the conquest of Siberia by Ermak and other "figures" who slaughtered the indigenous population and hounded them with vodka?
Is this about the conquest of Siberia by Ermak and other "figures" who slaughtered the indigenous population and hounded it with vodka?

Yep, some Yermak and others have slaughtered the entire Native American population, hounded them with vodka and infectious diseases, and now, using their vast experience in the matter, are going to do it to the entire population of the planet! By the way, they're gonna do it to you too!