Interesting and Humour - page 2468


Pages of history: "Lips touching alcohol won't touch our lips." Proponents of alcohol prohibition. 1919 USA.

They're so scary - you obviously can't do without alcohol :)
They're so scary - you obviously can't do without alcohol :))

))) And that was my first thought. Or rather, something like "That's a lot to drink..."

P./S.: Slightly corrected the translation (before I saw your post).


))) That was my first thought too. Or rather, something like "That's a lot to drink..."

P./S.: Slightly corrected the translation (before I saw your post).

Ours has always been prettier!

May it always be "amen" !


Ours has always been prettier!

May it always be "amen".

That's right!
Прокуратура Италии обвинила менеджеров агентства S&P в манипуляциях рынком
Прокуратура Италии обвинила менеджеров агентства S&P в манипуляциях рынком
РИМ, 22 сентября. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Вера Щербакова/. Прокуратура итальянского города Терни, закончившая расследование фактов понижения суверенного рейтинга Италии, потребовала провести процесс над шестью менеджерами рейтингового агентства S&P. Как сообщают местные СМИ, им предъявлено обвинение в манипуляции рынками, нанесшей ущерб Италии...

))) And that was my first thought. Or rather, something like "That's a lot to drink..."

P./S.: Slightly corrected the translation (before I saw your post).

I thought there were some men there. I looked more closely, no, they're Zakaya beauties. Maybe I don't get it...

Now you can...

I thought I saw some men in there. Looked at it, no, it's a Zacchusian beauty. Maybe I don't understand...

We'll just assume there's no such thing as taste or colour.

P./S.: And that much is learned by comparison...