Interesting and Humour - page 2465


The myosin V protein moves along actinic fibres and drags the weights attached to it.



Dedicated to my forex friend. He's into satire (mostly criticising life in the US).

Friends sent for sake.
In a dark entranceway, a vessel fell down.

The female dog is now me to them...


Or maybe we should make some informal presentations of users in a branch? (we are all different, but all here).

Holy crap. How small the world is. I often see his pictures in the comments of one popular news outlet and even occasionally repost them on another forum, where they are allowed to be directed. Of the recent ones I particularly like "Don't panic - get organised". Not only do I recognize the author, but he's right there. Kudos to him. If you can give me a link to his profile.

В США вручили 24-ю Шнобелевскую премию за самые сомнительные научные достижения
В США вручили 24-ю Шнобелевскую премию за самые сомнительные научные достижения
  • 2014.09.19
Сегодня в США состоялось награждение шуточной Шнобелевской премией (IgNobel Prize) за «открытия, которые заставляют сначала засмеяться, а потом задуматься». Учёным самых разных континентов вручали приз в 10 номинациях.  Лауреатами стали японские учёные Киёши Мабучи, Кенсей Танака, Даичи Учидзима и Рина Сакаи, измерившие коэффициент трения между...

Photographer's Dictionary.

PHOTO CAMERA - a cell in a pre-trial detention centre, where only photographers sit. It's the most crowded because there are photographers on every corner these days.

DIAFRAGMA, the organ the photographer hiccups with.

RAPID - The photographer's rudeness towards those around him.

SPRINGFIELD - A sudden, aggressive emotion during which the photographer usually throws tripods at people.

PHOTOMODEL - A toy camera made out of wood that little photographers practice on.

A SLUDGE is a disease of fat photographers.

A FOSSIZER is a container from which photographers drink vodka.

A photographer who doesn't know how to shoot, so he paints pictures on photoshop.

PHOTO LOVER - a pervert who has sex with cameras.

NU - a photographer's exclamation at the sight of small boobs ("NU, where are the boobs?")

NIKON - the photographic patriarch who brought a schism into the photographic church, dividing photographers into two parts: Nikonists and canonists.

CANON - the true law followed by photographers who did not follow Patriarch Nikon.

LEAK - What do non-conformist photographers who don't give a shit about Nikon and canons water the flowers in the bed with.

HORIZONT - a situation where a light bulb has set an umbrella on fire.

HORIZONT - the only true commentary on any photograph.

GRAIN - the plant food that a poor photographer eats. Not black caviar.

GRAIN - the property of caviar eaten by successful photographers.

LIGHT - A photographer's ability to go to the dark side of the force and into the twilight.

HISTOGRAM - an obscure term that photographers intimidate each other with, but don't know what it is themselves.


I was once in Prague and photographed a room like this.



nor the size-four boobs
or the fact that I'm yours forever
♪ won't reconcile me to the fact ♪

that you haven't heard Pink Floyd

Such an unchildish tale... "Little Red Riding Hood.

Before Charles Perrault's world-famous version, the Grimm brothers wrote about a girl who went to her grandmother. However, in their (uncensored) version, the girl, having reached her grandmother, did not start to inquire where she got those big eyes and ears, but simply undressed and lay down next to her.
Then... she was immediately eaten and not a single lumberjack came to her rescue.

According to another, even earlier version, the wolf ate the grandmother first, and since he was full, he let Red Riding Hood's blood out, mixed it with wine, cooked a couple of dishes out of the girl, and called his wolf friends for a festive dinner.

Charles Perrault, who was essentially a nice guy, still couldn't avoid the sexual connotations of the story, because in French, the idiom: 'elle avait vu le loup' (she saw the wolf) means 'lost her virginity'.