Interesting and Humour - page 2464


A slight understatement

Yes, clearly, that's what I would expect. But still, try to guess for yourself, it's not too hard.
I don't want to play guessing games. Find someone else to troll.
I don't feel like playing guessing games. Find someone else to troll.
Come on, you've already answered the question. You couldn't have done it better. That's twice in a row.

300 merged Spartans

- "I'll be succinct," said King Leonidas. - "The Athenians are letting us down.
The Spartan warriors' faces grew tense.
- What news? - The mighty veteran inquired, picking his teeth with an ash dart.
- A secret messenger from my man in the Agora. There will be no reinforcements. Those lazy Athenian pigs have gone to gawk at the Olympics while we're dying here.
- How long are they going to be fiddling with pears in Olympia? - Someone in the back line asked nervously.
- Another ten days, at least," replied Leonid grimly.
- Fucking hell," he said, and a low rumble spread through the ranks.
- 'Fuck 'em," said the veteran and grinned a cheeky grin. - 'The barbarians want Athens, let them have it. They don't need Sparta. No gold, no food. - The hoplites murmured in approval.
- 'Brothers,' said Leonidas, surveying his small army, 'why should I, a Spartan king, a descendant of Hercules and you the best warriors of Hellas, or maybe the whole of the Oikumene, have to die at bloody Thermopylae, defending Athenian oligarchs and some arrogant peasants? The Athenians decided by Persian hands to get rid of the best Spartan warriors so that we would not prevent them from negotiating a surrender with the barbarians. Do you know how many Persians? A million, two hundred thousand! There are three hundred of us and seven hundred Thespians. And that's against a million. If this is not treason, what do I ask you?
- Treason! - shouted the Spartans.
- We have been leaked! - shouted the Thespians.
- Go home! - shouted Leonidas.

Thus ended the history of ancient Hellas, of which we know only from the accounts of Persian historians.

A selection of pearls from school essays on the classics of literature. You can't reproach them for their lack of sincerity! ...

The Slavs were a free-loving people. They were often enslaved, but they did not work there either...

Lensky went out for a duel in pantaloons. They separated and a shot rang out.

Lermontov died in the Caucasus, but that is not why he loved it!

Dantes was not worth a penny of Pushkin.

Two horses rode into the courtyard. They were the sons of Taras Bulba.

Onegin liked Byron, which is why he hung him above his bed.

Onegin felt heavy inside and came to Tatiana to relieve himself.

Lermontov was born to his grandmother in the village when his parents lived in St Petersburg.

Chatsky came out the back door and propped the door shut with a stick.

Poor Liza was tearing up flowers and feeding her mother with it.

Chlestakov got into the brigade and shouted: "Drive, my dove, to the airport!"

Chatsky's father died when he was a child.

Pierre was a socialite and therefore urinated perfume.

In his old age he was bedridden with cancer.

Suddenly Herman heard the creaking of springs. It was the old princess.

The cabanitress had fumbled for Katerina's soft spot and was pressing on it every day.

The Rostovs had three daughters, Natasha, Sonya and Nicholas.

Taras got on his horse. The horse bucked and then laughed.

Tatiana's soul is full of love and can't wait to shower it on someone.

A regiment of Frenchmen and Kutuzovs marched on.

Onegin was a rich man: in the mornings he would sit in the lavatory and then go to the circus.

Peter the First jumped off his pedestal and ran after Eugene, clattering his hooves loudly.

Gogol's nose is filled with the deepest content.

The deaf-mute Gerasim did not like gossip and spoke only the truth.

Turgenev is not satisfied with either fathers or children.

Girls like Olga have long been bored with Onegin, and Pushkin too.

I met Mikhail Lermontov in kindergarten.

Gerasim ate for four and worked alone.

Pechorin kidnapped Bela in a fit of feeling and wanted to get closer to the people through her love. But he did not succeed. Nor did he succeed with Maxim Maximych.

Bazarov loved various insects and inoculated them.

Pugachev bestowed a fur coat and a horse from his shoulder.

Pugachev helped Grinev not only in his work, but also in his love for Masha.

Silky, blonde curls were fluttering out from under her lace apron.

The sons came to Taras and began to get acquainted with him.

Chichikov rode in the carriage with his arse up.

Famusov condemns his daughter for the fact that Sophia has been with a man since the morning.

Natasha was a true Russian, very fond of nature and often went to the yard.

Nineteenth-century poets were easy men: they were often killed in duels.

Here he first learned spoken Russian from his nanny, Arina Rodionovna.

During the second act, Sophia and Molchaline had Chatsky sitting under the stairs.

Pierre Bezukhov's first successes in love were bad - he married right away.

I love the fact that with such talent Pushkin wasn't afraid to become a folk poet.

Chatsky was self-sufficient. This, at least, is evidenced by his lack of children.

The chairman got on the milkmaids' nerves so much that the milk yield increased at once.

Denis Davydov turned his back on the women and fired twice.

The moans of the wounded and the dead rang out in the field.

Ilya Muromets parents were simple collective farmers.

Flying on crutches was not easy, but he learnt.

The Decembrists accumulated great potency and poured it out on Senate Square.

And then the fighter remembered that he had a rifle in his pocket!

"At least one glimpse of Paris..." - dreamt Kutuzov.

The army was running, with Napoleon ahead, losing his majesty and honour by the minute.

Natasha Rostova wanted to say something, but the door that opened closed her mouth.

Pierre Bezukhov wore pantaloons with a high jabot.

A milkmaid milked a cow on the riverbank and the water reflected everything backwards.

Old Izergil was as proud and impregnable as a tank man.

Anna Karenina found no real men and so she lay down under a train.

A Negro, ruddy from the frost, enters the upper room.

The poem is written in rhyme, which is not uncommon in the poet.

From Nekrasov's works, the peasants learned how bad their lives were...

Suvorov was a real man and slept with ordinary soldiers.

"Gogol's creativity was characterised by triplicity. With one foot he stood in the past, with the other he stepped into the future, and between his feet he had a grim reality.

The great Russian artist Levitan was born into a poor Jewish family.

Of all the feminine charms Maria Bolkonskaya had only eyes.

The boy in the boat was rowing fast with his beaks.

Anna came together with Vronsky in a very new, unacceptable way.

Asya was a half-breed - either a peasant or a noblewoman.

The author has gathered representatives of all society in one place in a night shelter.

Aksinya struck a nerve with Grigory...

Alexander Aduev threw himself on his uncle's neck, though he had not yet crossed the threshold of his office.

Alyosha Popovich was peering sharp into the back of Ilya Muromets head.

Andrei stunned the engineer with a spanner, tied him up and drove the car across the front.

Anna met the man and married him.

Anna Karenina threw herself under the train and he dragged her through a miserable existence for a long time.

Anna, sitting on a chair, slept and ate a bun in passing.

The Arabs traded fiercely with Byzantium.

The barin sat in his carriage and left himself to his horse.

The intrepid Danko was very fond of people when he had to be.

Blok understands that Mother Russia will not last long, it will be killed by her own sons, who hate the mother for her vulgarity, condescension and thick-assedness. The future of Blok's Russia is the grave.

Most of his works are imbued with the spirit of freedom, innovation of verse, uniqueness, historicism and encyclopaedicism.

Boris spared neither his last piece of bread nor his last cartridge for his friend.

Dobrynja Nikitich's beard underscores his expertise.

The Grammar of Love shows the hero's striving for love by any means.

In Goryachy Loge, Davydov quickly discovers his surroundings - monarchy reigned everywhere.

In 'Mowgli', Reduard Kipling showed the mores of the animals that reigned in India at the beginning of the last century.

In Mowgli the people expressed their longing for freedom from the dominance of the mewgli...

In any back alley, Sharikov was not a superfluous person.

As Winnie-the-Pooh the British cartoonist A. A. Milne made a mockery of everybody.

In the character of Shvonder Bulgakov expressed his attitude to the flat and the Jewish question at the same time.

In Pechorin it is as if two people live: one sits, the other lives.

Homeboy's diary 8.

Дневник Домового 8
Дневник Домового 8
  • 2014.09.19
  • ЧеширКо
  • www.xn--b1addnalrc.xn--80asehdb
30 декабря. Приготовил подарки своим домашним. Коту подарю недельный абонемент на «почесать за ухом», Халку — арома-свечу, хозяйке верну кольцо, но придётся позаимствовать арома-свечу. Хахалю — мои самые лучшие пожелания. 31 декабря. 12:40 Готовимся к празднику. Помогаем хозяйке готовить. Я слежу за огнем, кот пытается чистить картошку...

Dedicated to my forex friend. He's into satire (mostly criticising life in the US).

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Interesting & Humorous

newdigital, 2013.12.09 13:07

Kind of a presentation by the famous yusers - Pava Kava. An American living in California, Ukrainian by nationality. The man with the special resonant thinking, fond of Forex and Metatrader for more than 10 years. An exemplary family man and just a good guy. Widely known in narrow circles of English-speaking forex :)

By the way, that video about the ears is from him (the pictures here are also from him)

He is into a special type of humour ... don't even know what to call it ... I campaigned him to publish a book, but he doesn't want to, thinking it's just bullshit ... but nevertheless - here are some of his mini-words :


Harass cop.

Score the cranes a joint

moon deer

A little slower Connie, a little slower

♪ yxa burn ♪

Don't look for the one in the clubs and bars. She's the one who sleeps at home at night. ¶¶ BREAK INTO HOUSES ¶¶

Don't get distracted by love

Lake Buy kal


My tender and gentle dzmer

If you don't have a Dog, it won't be poisoned... so sad.......

Friends sent out for sake.
In a dark entranceway, a vessel fell down.

The female dog is now me to them...


Shouldn't we do informal youser presentations in the branch? (we're all different, but we're all here).




By the way, thatvideo about the ears is from him (the pictures here are also from him)


Translate, what are they saying about the ears there?
Translate, what do they say about their ears?

I don't know the spoken Chinese. The text in the video is in Vietnamese, I think (maybe someone knows Vietnamese).

Anyway, there is something wrong with their ears ...


Coulomb's law, is the law that describes the forces of interaction between stationary point electric charges.