Interesting and Humour - page 2305

10 интересных фактов о Луне
10 интересных фактов о Луне
  • votes: 1
1. Мало кто знает, что на Луне есть настоящий памятник погибшим космонавтам. Он собой представляет небольшого человека в скафандре (до 10 сантиметров) сделанного из алюминия. С фигуркой присутствует и табличка с именами погибших людей. 2. Если Белка и Стрелка были первыми покорителями космоса, то покорителями Луны можно назвать азиатских...

The 7 most interesting theories to explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

1. Comet

According to this version, a comet fell to the ocean floor 11,000 years ago - just where the notorious Bermuda Triangle is now located. The celestial body may well have had unusual electromagnetic properties, capable of disabling navigational instruments and aircraft engines.

2. Methane hydrate

Deep below the surface of the Bermuda Triangle form huge bubbles filled with methane hydrate. When such a bubble "matures" and rises, a giant hill forms on the surface of the water from which the ship "slides off". The bubble then bursts, forming a funnel into which the ship is pulled in. Withplanes, it's even easier - the gas from the bubble rises into the air, comes into contact with the hot engine and an explosion occurs.

3. Secret government tests

The base on which supporters of this theory sin is called the Atlantic Underwater Testing and Evaluation Centre (AUTEC). According to the official version, this company tests submarines, weapons and sonar. But there is also a theory that it is where the government makes contact with extraterrestrial civilisations and tests all sorts ofalien technology.

4. Flying saucers or aliens

According to this theory there is an alien ship lurking in the depths of the sea, which, in contrast to the previous version, is studying us and our technology. Or at least there is a "gateway" to another dimension unknown to the earthlings. At certain times the gates are opened and ships and planes fly in.

5. The compass points to true, not magnetic north

The Bermuda Triangle is one of only two placeson Earth where the magnetic compass points to true (geographic), not magnetic north. Normally, sailors take this difference into account when plotting a ship's course. And in areas where the compass works differently, it is not worth getting lost and hitting a reef.

6. Challenging weather conditions

The skies over the Bermuda Triangle are indeed quite turbulent - warm and cold air masses constantly collide, leading tostorms and hurricanes. Plus the fast currents of the Gulf Stream. Together they certainly pose a risk to any mode of transport.

7. The human factor

The Bermuda Triangle is a busy place. The tropical climate and crystal clearblue waters attract experienced pilots and sailors as well as hobbyists. Given the changeable weather, swift currents and the many twin islands scattered around the region, it is easy to go astray, run aground or be far from a refuelling point.


Opening a flat tin can with your bare hands: (watch from minute three)

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20 самых загадочных объектов мира
Летаем в космос, наперегонки строим небоскребы, клонируем живые организмы и делаем много такого, что еще недавно казалось невозможным. И при этом до сих пор неспособны разгадать загадки строителей и мыслителей, живших тысячелетия назад. Древний булыжник весом в сотню тонн удивляет нас больше, чем компьютер размером в пол-ладони 1. СТОУНХЕНДЖ...
Not funny at all.
Not funny at all.

I agree! But it's not just about humour, and the name of the thread isInteresting and Humour, isn't it?

Just a record.
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The Thing.

The website of "Russia's most frost-resistant company"

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Наше время — это век универсализации технических устройств. Всё меньше людей хотят тратить время и деньги на покупку разных узкоспециализированных систем. Широкое распространение смартфонов — один из последних примеров соединения многих свойств и задач в одном гаджете. Но в электронике к такой универсальности давно уже привыкли. В...