Interesting and Humour - page 2195

happy Friday to all)

A lot of small internet start-up businesses complain about it (like it) ... I don't have an opinion on it, sorry. There's a lot out there on tech and programming. For information.

PS. By the way, this is the first marketplace for the sale of training materials. Let it be the second one here? Just an idea. We basically already have one ... but there's a question of positioning.

BeSmart - первая торговая площадка для размещения и просмотра учебных и познавательных материалов.
BeSmart - первая торговая площадка для размещения и просмотра учебных и познавательных материалов.
BeSmart — первая в России торговая площадка. Предоставляет широкие возможности для размещения и просмотра платных образовательных и познавательных материалов.

A lot of small internet start-up businesses complain about it (like it) ... I don't have an opinion on it, sorry. There's a lot out there on tech and programming. For information.

PS. By the way, this is the first marketplace for selling educational materials. How about a second one here? Just an idea. We basically already have one ... but there's a question of positioning.

Not technically possible.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing of trading strategies

"Encyclopedia of trading strategies" in MetaTrader terminal

Renat, 2014.03.26 16:42

You have to be the copyright holder and have the whole package of legalizing documents.

In fact, this means that only publishers or authors who are fully engaged in publishing their own works with all registrations (e.g. ISBN) and no legal encumbrances can sell.

Or sell as indicators :-)


Not technically possible.

Or sell as indicators :-)

I'm not talking about books. I mean what we already have (articles, etc.). And about what we can all do together here (another service).

If you look at my threads and posts in the ang/kit part of the forum - more than half (many posts a day) are third-party tutorial content. And it's very popular.

And here, on mql5 - we have a personal content, and it's all tutorial. All of it. Only it brings money indirectly. But here (in the previous post in this thread) I found a project where people with nothing - make money on it... and why isn't it here?

It would just make sense ... like another project ... why not... if it's not costly at all...


I'm just continuing my theme that I started :

and today I started with this... but then came the idea ... it's not an idea ... just a thought ...

It's probably not healthy to think too much :)


Men's sexual complexes:

Othello Quasimodo Orestes Narcissus

Leonte Oedipus Don Juan Don Quixote


Artist Wang Niandong/China

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Земля вошла в метеорный поток Лириды, пик которого придется на ночь с 21 на 22 апреля
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6 thinking mistakes that get in the way of productivity

  • Persistence. The first trap, persistence, is continuing to work on something that has already lost its value.
  • Amplification is the trap we find ourselves in when we put more effort into a goal than necessary, like trying to kill a fly with a sledgehammer.
  • Fixation. With fixation, progress towards the goal is blocked. A person cannot continue what they have started until they receive a phone call, permission, a shipment of raw materials, inspiration.
  • Reversion. Sometimes it's obvious that the plans have clearly failed. But in a reversal, we're trying to reverse an irreversible past ...
  • Ahead of schedule. Getting ahead of ourselves is a trap we fall into by starting too early. When we get ahead of events, we overwork, "pre-process" and work in vain.
  • Procrastination. Sometimes a person who has decided to do something has a hard time getting down to it. The mind just refuses to get down to work right away.
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