Interesting and Humour - page 1749

Oh... Please... Odessa was not knocked out of Odessa neither by the intervention, nor by the occupation. Privoz stood and will stand.

It's Ukraine that Europe needs more. Even European gays get a hard-on for our women :)

But seriously, any empire is sustained by expansion (military or economic, it does not matter), the main thing is to have space for development, then there is something to do, otherwise it will become self-satisfied and collapse.

Ukraine is undeveloped territory for Europe, and it is in dire need of a testing ground for profitable investments to pull the economy out of stagnation.

Russia is not going to develop (economy ROS* stability), this has been obvious for a long time. Russia's main goal as a state is to compete with Ukraine (including) and other "partners" in the customs union.

If we resort to epithets of corporate law, the EU wants a takeover, and Russia wants competition with Ukraine. As everyone remembers, competitors wage economic war, while at takeover the aim is to create a monopoly. The choice is clear.

So the current curtsey of Yanukovych is more out of a desire to bargain for more pleasant conditions of penetration into his sacred ass. You know, so that there would be good quality lubricant. Because they will fuck him anyway, either Russia or the EU.

The only difference is that Europe wants deep penetration (anal), but Russia wants to be sucked off (blowjob).

And Yanukovich wants both at the same time, as evidenced by Yanukovich's proposal for trilateral talks between the EU, Ukraine and Russia.

Although there is nothing super-natural in Yanukovych's position to balance between the two empires, as they have different objectives.

Although neither the EU nor Russia understand what the trilateral talks are for.

For those who are not on the subject I would like to inform that together with the association (which is not accession yet) in Vilnius Ukraine is offered to sign a free trade agreement with the EU at once. This is a novelty for the EU, as such an agreement is usually signed already at the time of accession to the EU. For Ukraine, they made an exception and gave it the opportunity to begin economic integration immediately, while remaining formally and monetarily independent. As a reminder, Turkey, which has been associated with the EU for half a century now, still does not have a free trade agreement but abides by the WTO rules.

It is because of this free trade zone with the EU that the whole mess with Russia has started, since we actually have an open eastern border and Russia rightly fears that European (cheaper and higher quality) goods across the open border will flood the Russian market and overwhelm the domestic producer who has never learned how to produce anything worthwhile. Although not so, Russia already has no manufacturer and imports everything, so the only question is that the treasury will not receive enough customs duties and the products (refrigerators, televisions and other office equipment) will become cheaper.

By the way, Ukrainian producers are not all the same. In this situation of border closures, the only one who suffers is a manufacturer whose enterprises for 22 years have not started making competitive products and in the old fashion produce in Russia what is not needed anywhere else (but cheap), it is these underproducers that have raised a fuss about the drop in trade turnover. Because they cannot find a new market and are not used to thinking. These producers are asking for a delay, and in fact even in 10 years they will not be ready, as they will start itching to take the rooster up.

Hence the moral, sign the association unambiguously, regardless of the losses. And it is even an easier situation than Poland's (once was) with its chocotherapy.

All the above is IMHO, I give you all the copyright :)

It's OK, they'll get to the bears too).


Although neither the EU nor Russia understand what trilateral talks are all about.

They do understand it. But everyone else does not.

I wonder how they (the elites of our societies) got to the point where we start thinking about them, how good they will be, all the TV is about them ... This is some kind of mass insanity. For example, no one thinks much about me publicly ... but we all think about the elite of our societies... what they're doing, where they're going...

If, for example, the Ukrainian elite wanted to be friends with the EU elite rather than with the Russian elite - why should I, a simple Russian person from Russia, need to know that at all! There is such nightmarish talk on all channels ...

And the trilateral talks ... Why do I need to know about it? Why is my country even involved? Why do they tell us this every day? Most of Russia's population has no flats or mansions in Crimea and no relatives in Ukraine (and I don't think most Russian citizens have visited Ukraine at all).

I certainly root for Putin, Merkel and Yanukovich. But not to that extent ...

For example, I have never been to Buryatia, I have not been to Khakassia, Yakutia, I have not been to Siberia anywhere ... That's what you should think about - yourself and your country (more about yourself of course).


Oops... Is this the occasion you got Potapitch out from under the pyramid?

The cat and I bought bear slippers and oven mitts. So now we have a new pantry and a chest of drawers...

You can't pack the bear back up. It's not the right thing to do. We don't have any roads and nowhere for him to roam, so let him keep it until better times.


They do understand. But everyone else does not.

I wonder how they (the elites of our societies) got to the point where we start thinking about them, how good they will be, all the TV is about them ... This is some kind of mass insanity. For example, no one thinks much about me publicly ... but we all think about the elite of our societies... what they're doing, where they're going...

If, for example, the Ukrainian elite wants to be friends with the elite of the EU and not with the elite of Russia - why should I, an ordinary Russian from Russia, want to know about it at all! There is such nightmarish talk on all channels ...

And the trilateral talks ... Why do I need to know about it? Why is my country even involved? Why do they tell us this every day? Most of Russia's population has no flats or mansions in Crimea, and no relatives in Ukraine (and I don't think most Russian citizens have visited Ukraine at all).

I certainly root for Putin, Merkel and Yanukovich. But not to that extent ...

For example, I have never been to Buryatia, I have not been to Khakassia, Yakutia, I have not been to Siberia anywhere ... That's what you need to think about - yourself and your country (more about yourself, naturally).

Well, not only elites want to be "friends" with the EU, public opinion polls (different sociological agencies give different data) show that from 72 to 58% of Ukrainians support the European integration.

According to samples the Centre and the West have 70-80%, the South has about 55-60%, the East has 40%. By age 18-29 years 80%, 30-40 60%, 40 and over 30%. So the EU is just a matter of time, if not now, opponents will die and the new generation will definitely choose friendship with Europe.

Well, about being nowhere, it's practically an internet meme "the whole world is open, but no money for travel", the question is exactly the attitude to man in Europe gives an opportunity to reach another standard of living, and a higher standard of living opens roads to Khakasia, Thailand, and anywhere else you want.


Well, it is not only the elites that want to be "friends" with the EU, public opinion polls (different sociological agencies give different data) say that 72 to 58% of Ukrainians support European integration.

According to samples the Center and the West have 70-80%, the South has about 55-60%, the East has 40%. By age 18-29 years 80%, 30-40 60%, 40 and over 30%. So, the EU is just a matter of time, if not now, opponents will die and the new generation will definitely choose friendship with Europe.

As for the fact that you have never been anywhere, it's practically an internet meme "the whole world is open, but you have no money for travel", the question is exactly the attitude towards people in Europe allows them to reach another standard of living, and a higher standard of living opens up roads to Khakasia, Thailand, and anywhere else you want.

Again unnecessary information ... Why do I care where someone wants to go, if it is not in the Russian Federation and not in a tourist destination where I go? For example here in Kaliningrad (surrounded by Lithuania and Poland) many people also want to go... So what? Muscovites who have bought mansions in Crimea and invested in this country should be concerned... But what do we care?

Lithuania and Poland are in the EU and NATO. We are surrounded by them, and on the other side is the Baltic Sea (we do not border the Russian mainland). And it's no big deal ... Everything is fine ... Everyone goes back and forth ... Friendship of peoples ...

In short, too much attention to Ukraine in the Russian media lately. And on all channels ... You don't want to listen...

I understand there was a typhoon somewhere in some country ... I don't care...


Again unnecessary information ... What do I care where someone wants to go, if it is not in the Russian Federation and not in a tourist destination where I go? For example, in Kaliningrad (surrounded by Lithuania and Poland), there are also many people who want to go somewhere ... So what? Muscovites who have bought mansions in Crimea and invested in this country should be concerned... But what do we care?

Lithuania and Poland are in EU and NATO. We are surrounded by them, and the Baltic Sea on the other side (we do not border with the Russian mainland). And there is nothing wrong ... Everything is fine ... Everyone goes back and forth ... Friendship of peoples ...

In short, too much attention to Ukraine in the Russian media lately. And on all channels ... you don't want to listen...

I understand there was a typhoon somewhere in some country ... I don't care...

Ah, you mean that. So I don't watch Russian channels. So sorry, I am not close to your problem. We have our own atmosphere here :)

And in fact, we do have a typhoon here, and it's a very destructive one at that.


I've been thinking, now give the Crimea back to them.
I'm thinking, now send the Crimea back.
Yeah, yeah. And slippers!

Why have I never been anywhere? I've been to Switzerland, Cambodia for a long time, Australia for a long time, I was in my Nissan Patrol - I drove it all the way to Guinea, I visited Bosnia and Muslim areas right after the war, Indonesia, East Timor... ...etc. I can't count all that. And you think I'm not a schoolboy ...


Have you been to Buryatia? This is inside the Russian Federation. What I know about Buryatia is that the Buryats live there, their language is Buryat, they have beavers, and they are Buddhists. That's all I know about Buryatia...

And about Ukraine these days? And they're trudging and trudging and trudging... I'm sick of it... their grandfather dancing in a bumblebee costume...

the people are fraternal (it's their - the elite of society - classification you know) ... and two lines on TV about a typhoon in the Philippines... because they're probably not fraternal at all, right? :) And Lithuania is in NATO, so now the Lithuanians are half-brothers... how wisely they have classified us :)