Interesting and Humour - page 1543

My wife is a charmer!
God, thank you for my wife!
She's a heavenly creature,
As they used to say in the old days.
She's kind, she's gentle, she's beautiful
Everything suits her, she's sure!
Try me to say otherwise,
She... She'll make my head explode!

There are no jokes here, they are forbidden. You can get banned for breaking it. That's the way it is.

Pictures, videos are also forbidden to put up if the rating is less than 10 000

For violation of the ban.

It's quite easy to get lost in the forest.
And here's a hiker fooled by the trail,
...howling and cursing loudly...
Suddenly he turns around and sees above him
A shaggy, bearish face:
- Why are you yelling? - the beast asks angrily.
- I thought someone would hear... And help...
- Well, I heard you. Did it help?
He walked up to her slowly,
"He stroked her with his hand, breathing a little.
She moved, trembling,
Warm, thoughtful, gentle...
Her eyes shone blue
And her gaze said so much,
I began to caress her with my hand
And slowly spread her legs...
My hand was filled with the warmth of her breasts
# She waited for me to move up and down
And a shiver ran through me
¶ And the white liquid flowed ¶
And in that moment I felt ecstasy!
That's how I milked a cow for the first time...

Asian precision

Accuracy and accuracy again...

Tangled up in the cot
arms, legs, necks, heels...
That's what the Kama Sutra's
in the Kama Sutra!

The Russian woman is strong and mighty!
In the blink of an eye a heap of dung flies away.
She makes porridge and cleans up the mess,
And if she's drunk, she'll get it in her face!

♪ In the morning, she sat down at the bureau ♪
And asked him:
"Am I the sweetest thing in the world,
"Am I the prettiest and whitest in the world?"
And the mirror said to me:

Tell me, mirror, tell me,
Tell me the truth!
Am I the dumbest man in the world?
"I'm the most useless and the drunkest in the world?
The mirror replies:
You're an idiot, no doubt,
But in this world...
There's two-thirds of you.
He walked up to her slowly,
"He stroked her with his hand, breathing a little.
She moved, trembling,
Warm, thoughtful, gentle...
Her eyes shone blue
And her gaze said so much,
I began to caress her with my hand
And slowly spread her legs...
My hand was filled with the warmth of her breasts
# She waited for me to move up and down
And a shiver ran through me
# And the white liquid flowed... #
And in that moment I felt ecstasy!
That's how I milked a cow for the first time...
Why spread her legs? I must have milked her from behind. She's 100%.)

Every woman's desire is aroused...
Which one depends on her condition:
Weak - only a desire for pity,
♪ Bright bitch, only to have ♪
♪ A delicate flower wants to love ♪
"A mean woman, the desire to kill...

One day my husband came home,
# He looked around, horrified... #
Dust, unwashed dishes,
¶ Dirt lying around ¶
¶ the chifforobe is empty ¶
# Stuff is piled high
♪ There's not a crumb in the fridge ♪
And the cat's gone out of the house...
Was it a search or a raid?
The husband's shaking in terror!
He's been away on business for a month.
There's been such a turnover!
Was there a war, perhaps?
Where's his beloved wife?
The husband, frightened, can hardly breathe,
He walks leisurely into the hall...
And his wife sits by the wall
With her laptop on her knees.
- Have you forgotten something, darling?
Why did you come back halfway?
I thought I'd take a moment
I decided to go to my classmates!

# If they ask, "What's more important?
¶ Love, parents, friends? ¶
# Don't say a word, slap them in the face #
¶¶ You can't ask that question ¶¶
Only the president's daddy can call a goat.
The neighbours feel respect and fear for Daddy,
Daddy can unashamedly take out the trash in his pants.
Daddy likes to drink and fight and fart and grunt and smoke...
Only with his mother-in-law, Grandma Nadia, Daddy can't live.

If you take colored paper
Pen, scissors and glue
And a little more courage -
You can make a hundred rubles.

I'm sitting drunk on the bench,
♪ my swim trunks are sticking to my wet ass ♪
My nose is covered in snot,
My mascara's dried under my eyes...
# My shoes have no heel
♪ The skirt's a bit tattered ♪
# Seven fingernails, like never before... #
¶ God, where have I been drinking? ¶

¶ She came in ¶ ¶ And in the restaurant ¶
# Suddenly the conversation stopped... #
# Some guy said... #
- "Somebody's got one!
She heard it and turned around:
- "Do you want one too, wit?
And the boy, swallowing his drool,
"and the boy, swallowing his saliva... - "I'm always ready!
- All right, all right! Here's a card!
And come back tonight at six!
Then she added with a smile:
- He'll have you too.

18 +

Kamasutra video lessons

Position #6

First the couple takes the previous position (#5) and then the man bends his knees and moves his feet under the woman's feet,

slightly spreading his hips. The woman can pull her legs towards herself, pulling the man in.

All those with a girlfriend, graceful, firm,
¶ And shaved in different places ¶
# Dreams of getting drunk and having sex
"There's a fear they don't know...
That if they're burning with passion in May,
In the woods they stop their moped
In the heat of the pleasure of intercourse
"The jolly bear will find them...
"And to the jerk-boy, who's tearing up the girl...
♪ Torturing the girl like a willow saw ♪
He'll step with his claw and pat with his paw
And he'll say: "Hello! "Cagdila?"