Interesting and Humour - page 1514


And whoever can give me a link to the music in this clip, thank you very much.

It's not Dj Matte Tara

All right, found it.

Do you live on that island? There's a park there. I was.

Next to the island. In the house next door to a famous Kant scholar (a university lecturer). There's a bridge to the island now. Here I live at the end of that bridge - the bridge is 50 m, the grave is 200 m. And the silence ... only German tourists walk through the park with flags ... They were told not to get lost, and that we locals should distinguish them and not offend ... So they walk around waving flags ... but everything in the park has been restored to German, so it's almost the same as it was


Here's one against the backdrop of today's moronic near-infarct shenanigans, this one looks even warmer.)

Tesla Motors, led by Elon Musk, posted its first profit in the first quarter of this year. It managed to sell 5,000 electric cars during the quarter. Tesla Motors cars are in the premium class, with the Tesla Roadster costing $109,000 and the Model S $70,000. In early May, the company poached Aston Martin's lead engineer Chris Porritt - he now holds the position of vice president of engineering and technology at Tesla. Amid the good news, Tesla Motors' share price has more than doubled in the past three months.

According to the quarterly report, Tesla Motors' profit margin is high even when government subsidies for green cars are deducted. The company is rapidly streamlining production - over the past few months it has managed to cut the time it takes to create one electric car by 40%. According to Elon Musk, the cost of manufacturing batteries - one of the main components of the price of an electric car - should also drop by 30% to 50% in the foreseeable future. He claims that an electric car priced at $30,000 might be available in the next three to four years.

Meanwhile, a more or less decent network of electric charging stations has already been created in the USA. There are now almost 6,000 of them and 180 new ones open every month. On one charge Tesla Model S can drive about 330 kilometres, so wherever there is a dense enough network of gas stations, such as in California, the electric car can already be driven almost freely. Other countries such as Israel, Estonia and Switzerland are also developing electric charging networks.

"Licking a rattlesnake is complete nonsense ))))


Компания Tesla Motors, которую возглавляет Элон Маск, в первом квартале этого года впервые показала прибыль. За этот квартал удалось продать 5000 электромобилей. Машины Tesla Motors относятся к премиум-классу: Tesla Roadster стоит 109 000 $, Model S — 70 000 $. В начале мая компания переманила ведущего инженера Aston Martin Криса Поррита — теперь он занимает в Tesla пост вице-президента по конструкторским и технологическим вопросам. На фоне хороших новостей стоимость акций Tesla Motors взлетела более чем в два раза за последние три месяца.

По данным из квартального отчёта, маржа прибыли Tesla Motors высока даже если вычесть правительственные субсидии на «зелёные» автомобили. Компания стремительно оптимизирует производство — за последние несколько месяцев удалось сократить время, которое тратится на создание одного электромобиля, на 40%. По словам Элона Маска, стоимость производства аккумуляторов — одной из главных составляющих цены электромобиля — так же должна снизиться на 30% — 50% в обозримом будущем. Он утверждает, что в ближайшие три-четыре года может появиться электромобиль по цене 30 000 $.

Тем временем в США уже создана более-менее приличная сеть электрических заправок. Сейчас их уже почти 6000 и каждый месяц открывается 180 новых. На одной зарядке Tesla Model S может проехать около 330 километров, так что там где сеть заправок достаточно плотная, например в Калифорнии, на электромобиле уже можно передвигаться практически свободно. Сети электрозаправок создаются и в других странах — Израиле, Эстонии, Швейцарии. 

Remarkably, one of the founders of teslamotors is Larry Page - the founder of google. A model with a mileage of over a mile. I just googled what the heads of IT companies drive and it turns out a lot of them have teslas. Remarkably, it's superior to the porsche. No oil filters, no fumes, no noise. It is remarkable that tesla became the safest car in crash-tests, it broke the crash-test equipment and that's while this car and front boot it charges in about 30 minutes from 380 volts. there is a special charger. they are already building infrastructure for such cars - fuel stations in the usa at full speed. I was taken aback and put it on my cover))))

And the cheapest model kit costs - 50 thousand quid - it is like a Lada Ellada)))).

Tesla among cars is like mt5 among platforms)))) mt4=dvs


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