Interesting and Humour - page 1172


Bolkonsky has disappeared.

MetaQuotes cat's punishment. )))

Bolkonsky has disappeared.

he's watching you, he's everywhere, he'll come and bite your hand off )), so you can't write nasty things about him anymore ;)

ZS: "peace, labour, may".

He did get it removed from the top :)

I don't get it, and I got banned.

I didn't see that one coming.


I don't get it, and I got banned.

I didn't see that coming.

Why was the abolk banned?


Why was abolk banned?

For the idea.

I don't get it, and I got banned.

I didn't see that coming.

♪ it was all unfolding ♪
Well, as always.

what a strange tale )


A Bear and a Squirrel lived in the same forest. The bear loved fish and raspberries. He spent all his days by the
the river and the raspberries. The Squirrel liked nuts and spent all day hopping in the cedars. Anyway, they knew nothing about each other. And suddenly they met.
"Who are you?" Squirrel asked, choking on a nut.
"I don't know..." - replied the Bear and blushed - "And you?"
"I don't know..." - said Squirrel.
"No wonder... Would you know - who you are - if Mum and Dad hadn't told you as a child? Or your friends? Well, they didn't know... That's how they lived.
"She's all right," thought the Bear, "She's so small and fluffy..."
"And he's all right," thought the Squirrel, "He's so big and brown, like a nut..."
"Let's live together!" - "It came out of their mouths at the same time.
"Come on!" - they said to each other at the same time.
And they began to live together.
The Squirrel said to the Bear, "Finish with the fish and raspberries.
nuts - winter's coming."
"Well..." - Bear hesitated - "I like fish and raspberries very much. I'm always eating them. They're delicious. А
what's in it for me with nuts - they're small..."
"Don't be selfish!" - Squirrel gets angry. "We live together now and you have to think of us, not yourself. Fish are stinky and raspberries give me a fever. And nuts are the sweetest thing. So, no fish and raspberries, from tomorrow you start climbing cedars!"
The bear pondered. He thought a lot and always scratched his head. And because his head was big, you can imagine how long it took to scratch it all over.
"She's right," he thought, "It's no good to be selfish."
So he started picking nuts.
He couldn't climb cedars and often fell from them. Sometimes, when he fell again, the Bear
looked longingly at the river, his native raspberry patch and sighed sadly, but usually at that moment there came from somewhere above - "Cedars!!!" The bear smiled guiltily and climbed the cedar.
"It's no good being selfish," he repeated. And the Squirrel thought - "That's ok, soon everything will be all right, he will learn to gather nuts and we will live happily ever after! What could be better than a pantry full of nuts?" - and galloping happily through the cedars. Can you blame her for that? After all, collecting nuts is the meaning of all Squirrels' lives. Sometimes the Bear would ask the Squirrel, "Look, who are we?" To which Squirrel would usually reply:
"What do you care? The main thing is to collect as many nuts as possible. That's the most important thing."
And the Bear did.
Winter came. The Bear found a large, warm den, threw in some nice-smelling
leaves and brought Squirrel in.
"Look," he said contentedly.
"I've found us a den for the winter - it's warm and dry. We'll be fine!"
"Yuck," said the Squirrel, "it's so gloomy and dirty here... Leaves lying around... And what kind of a name is 'den' Are you only thinking of yourself again? Do you want me, having such smooth and silky skin, to sleep all winter on dirty leaves in some den? Not at all, we'll be wintering in a clean and cosy hollow!"
"But..." - began the Bear.
"No buts!" - retorted the Squirrel - "We have a family now and you have to think of the two of us! Don't be selfish!"
And they began to hibernate in the hollow.
The bear was cramped in the hollow. He was crouching down, trying to get comfortable and sleep, but, you know, crouching down doesn't make you sleep fast. He was also hungry. The fat accumulated on fish and raspberries had been spent while he was still gathering nuts, and Bear's stomach was rumbling. He looked at a happy Squirrel who was sniffing sweetly, hugging a pile of nuts, sucked his paw and could not fall asleep. At last the hunger won. The bear got up, cautiously got out of the hollow and went to the river. Luckily the ice was thin and water had not yet cooled down - so the Bear quickly caught enough fish. The Bear also remembered his old stash of dried raspberries and so his lunch was quite successful. He sat on the bank of the river, eating raspberries and looking at his reflection in the water.
"Strange," thought the Bear, "why can't I eat nuts? And why am I so uncomfortable in the hollow tree? No, I'm a complete egoist... It's not good..."
That winter the Bear never went to sleep. He has found a place, where a warm key was running into the river, where trout were wintering. He also found all his summer stashes of raspberries. And even though they were few in number - he was fine as it was.
One day, while he was fishing, one - a strange and large one - surfaced from the depths of the river. The bear had never seen one before, so he stared at it in surprise.
"Who are you?" - Bear asked.
"I am the King," replied the fish.
"What King?!" - The Bear was taken aback.
"The Trout King," said the fish, "Listen, Bear, why don't you sleep?"
Bear was so surprised that he didn't even notice - what the fish called him.
"What's the matter?" - he asked.
"Well you're a Bear. All Bears
sleep in the winter, and you're kind of weird..."
Bear shuddered - "What did you say I was?"
"You're a dummy," replied the fish melancholy - "All Bears eat fish in the summer, when we breed, and the losses in our Trout Kingdom are not so noticeable. And now - when every minnow counts - you'd think there'd be an oddball Bear who'd stay up and devour the inhabitants of my kingdom. You'd curb your appetite, wouldn't you? It's ridiculous to be king without your subjects..."
The fish wagged its tail and disappeared into the depths.
Bear sat stunned.
"I am the Bear..." - he repeated - "Bears eat fish... I am the Bear..."
Suddenly he felt so good...
The Bear was walking through the forest and the birds were singing in his head. The bear was spinning in its own ridiculous bear dance, or shouting something to the sky with its big-eared head held high, or throwing itself against the cedars which had become so lovely, or singing something falsely. If you could understand bear's language you would hear something like: "You don't have to gather nuts anymore, because I'm a Bear, and bears eat fish... You don't have to sleep in the hollow tree anymore, you can lie down in the den and snore - just because I'm a Bear...".
Finally he climbed into his den, stretched himself sweetly and fell asleep. In his sleep he mumbled and repeated: "I am a Bear... I eat fish and raspberries... I sleep in a den... No nuts... What a blessing..."
And Owl, watching him as he walked through the forest, stared at him perplexedly. After all, she knew for a fact that she was an Owl...



unclear (