Interesting and Humour - page 884



It's an old story, but it's a good one...

A former student of one of the Oryol colleges entered the Surikov Academy of Arts in Moscow by correspondence. That's how it was. Here is the correspondence. The text and punctuation are author's.

Dear colleagues!

I'm sending you my drawing. Please help me draw a normal horse, I've killed so much time and it still turns out to be this u***hole with human legs. It's killing the drawing, isn't it?

Dear Andrey,
one can feel genuine talent in your drawing, that of a farmer or an adjuster of high-voltage power lines. Your drawing and letter are posted in our gallery. We're all laughing. Thank you very much. If you have any more drawings, send them over immediately.
With tears in your eyes,
Prof. A. Bichukov.

Dear colleagues!
Frankly speaking, I did not expect such frivolity from such esteemed husbands. In my opinion, there is nothing to laugh about, a colleague is asking for your help, what's so funny? It took me three hours to get these ******* horses... I can't draw them, but I did correct some mistakes: the horses have their hind legs knees upside down!!!

Dear Andrew!
You'll soon finish off a sick old man. I can't laugh so much, you've hit the spot again, your second drawing is back in the gallery and gathering crowds. You're disrupting classes, the professors can't contain themselves and jump at the mere mention of horses. Clodt, if you know who he is; it doesn't matter, he also spent a lot of time on horses, so the late Clodt seems to be spinning so wildly at the moment that the centrifugal force is getting to me. Andrew, please answer us the question: to what city does the Russian land owe the birth of such a nugget? What sadist broke the horse's hindquarters, or, perhaps, she damaged them herself while jumping from the tree in the first picture? Who transplanted an essentially thin and harmless horse with elephant knuckles and a dog's head? And what is that sticking out of the horse's, sorry, butt?
Practically blinded by tears of amusement
Prof. A. Bichukov.

Dear Colleagues!
Though I personally began to doubt your kindness, I think you're just smug old conservatives who only know how to scoff, and you're not here to support the Russian school of painting which I represent. I agree with you only in one point: "that which is sticking out of the horse's ass, excuse me" (it's not a bad tail, by the way) should be higher, and it looks like a horse, I won't ask your pardon, I will tell it as it is, ***t, I am not averse to constructive criticism.

Dear Andrew!
I wouldn't dream of making fun of you, on the contrary, the whole academy can't wait to receive letters from you, everyone comes to ask if there is any news from you. This time too, you haven't let us down - in your language, the "Russian school of painting" has once again given everyone the green light, so to speak, by showing all those Lotreks, Monks and Picassians where the horses are herded. By the way, if you have any sketches of other animals, send them by all means, you are, as I understand, an animalist. In the gallery again, but please don't take it wrong and don't be offended, can I ask you some more questions, just to satisfy my curiosity and not only my curiosity? Everybody is very curious. Why is the first horse so long, maybe the mad professor injected it with a dachshund spinal cord extract and why does the poor horse have only two legs? Why did the other horse get its hind legs so mangled? Looks like the horse you sent in earlier jumped off the tree once more. And what are those strange irons on all the horses' legs?
Sincere admirer of your
of your brilliant talent.
Prof. A. Bichukov.

toys.... they are so different


An old story, but just the right one...

A former student of one of Oryol's universities entered the Surikov Academy of Arts in Moscow by correspondence. That's how it was. Here is the correspondence. The text and punctuation are by the author.


It's an old story, but it's just on point...

Yep, Garik Sukachev hit a pedestrian again...


There the elbow was...

I beg to differ, colleague. I think it was a tit.

Of course, I have no direct evidence and indirect evidence is of a subjective erectile nature and cannot serve as proof.

But I'm willing to admit I'm wrong if you show me why it's an elbow. (by drawing a schematic representation of the radius, ulna and humerus)

It's not revealed either. Nothing can be seen. ))

Nothing at all, they're making fun of us.


I beg to differ colleague. I think it's a tit.

Of course I have no direct evidence and indirect evidence is of a subjective erectile nature and cannot serve as proof.

But I'm willing to concede I'm wrong if you show me why it's an elbow. (by sketching the radius, ulna and humerus)

It's impossible to even imagine that it's not an elbow... Just think, how can it hang like that if it's not inflated... and even if it is inflated, the texture is not soft... I mean, it's not even silicone. It's sticking out... which side? Of course there's all kinds of abnormalities...

It's definitely the elbow.