Interesting and Humour - page 826

Time of year is different, in March it was winter, -14 outside, in summer in July for 7 days, in December also for a week. I did what I usually do, I didn't unload wagons of course )). A week just goes by without a notice. Records are not the best thing in this business. At least I think so - that's not the point.
Yes, better in winter time no more than a week. In summer no more than three days. And in the extreme heat do not do such things at all. That's what my body is telling me right now. ))

Perhaps inappropriately so. Recently I've taken an unexpected interest in the history of World War II (or rather the Great Patriotic War).

I have read several books - about the beginning of the war before December 1941 (Kershaw), about Kursk (Kydin), about Stalingrad (Beevor). Now that's extremism.

The authors are all bourgeois. One of the most objective of these three is perhaps Beevor. He describes all the horrors of what happened at Stalingrad (much of it from the perspective of German soldiers and officers).

It is the most severe frosts (to -35 together with wind) in combination with not winter clothes, extreme ration shortage (recently ration was 100 grams of bread and even less per day - i.e. It was like in Leningrad during the worst months of the blockade, and you also had to fight), constant attacks by Soviet troops who did not let you sleep, typhus and dysentery, lice, which ate people alive and hung on their beards and eyebrows in clusters. Rats bred in great numbers (it is described that one German soldier had two toes eaten by rats while he was sleeping. He did not even notice).

I am by no means excusing the Nazis, but they had a really hard time. And the view on some battles (Stalingrad, for example) has changed. The last few weeks, when our forces started to liquidate the cauldron, seemed to be the beating of infants. The Germans were almost incapable of resisting due to extreme exhaustion and catastrophic shortages of ammunition and fuel. Nevertheless, they put up a very decent resistance.


Torturing? Oh, come on. When I smoked for 20 years, up to two packs a day, I used to torture him, systematically. When I drank vodka, I used to torture it. This, on the other hand, is a relief. What can it do for you? Well, maybe with your health. Sport, I mean physical training, fitness it's called now :) has its place. But he hasn't been on any needles :) Sorry about the hedgehogs :)))) I hope you're not making fun of that hedgehog, the non-communicable one? :))

the hedgehog is good, you can't lie on it.

The mat, 7,000 steel needles. it only hurts the first time.) it really hurts the first time for about two minutes, then it hurts when you lie down for a few seconds and when you stand up.

But after 5 to 10 minutes you fall asleep, which is not always the case. My eyesight has even improved. And no quackery.

Yes, it's better in winter - no more than a week. In summer no more than three days. And in the intense heat not to do such things at all. That's what my body told me. ))

No, winter is just fine, and even better when there is snow. Sometimes there is an irresistible desire to cool down and you can do it with anything. Hosho go barefoot in snow, hoshi rub yourself with it, and hoshi take a cold shower - water from tap +5оС, it's the best thing in winter. It's not for nothing that they invented fasting in winter - they think it's a good time too.

In summer it's worse - no snow :))) But you can take a dip in the pool, which isn't bad either.


Perhaps inappropriately so. Recently I've taken an unexpected interest in the history of World War II (or rather the Great Patriotic War).

I have read several books - about the beginning of the war before December 1941 (Kershaw), about Kursk (Kydin), about Stalingrad (Beevor). Now that's extremism.

The authors are all bourgeois. One of the most objective of these three is perhaps Beevor. He describes all the horrors of what happened at Stalingrad (much of it from the perspective of German soldiers and officers).

It is the most severe frosts (to -35 together with wind) in combination with not winter clothes, extreme ration shortage (recently ration was 100 grams of bread and even less per day - i.e. It was like in Leningrad during the worst months of the blockade, and you also had to fight), constant attacks by Soviet troops who did not let you sleep, typhus and dysentery, lice, which ate people alive and hung on their beards and eyebrows in clusters. Rats bred in great numbers (it is described that one German soldier had two toes eaten by rats while he was sleeping. He did not even notice).

I am by no means excusing the Nazis, but they had a really hard time. And the view on some battles (Stalingrad, for example) has changed. The last few weeks, when our forces started to liquidate the cauldron, seemed to be the beating of infants. The Germans were almost incapable of resisting due to extreme exhaustion and catastrophic shortages of ammunition and fuel. Nevertheless, they put up a very decent resistance.

If we had stayed at home, in the warmth, eating smoked sausages and beer, none of this would have happened, but they did not.

No, winter is just fine, and when there is snow it is even better. Sometimes there is an overwhelming desire to cool down and there is just what you need. Hoosh go barefoot in snow, ho shag it, and hoosh take cold shower - water from tap in winter +5оС, it's real good. It's not for nothing that they invented fasting in winter - they also think it's a good time.

In summer it's worse - no snow :))) But you can plunge into the pool, which is not bad either.

By the way, it's water procedures that compensate for the lack of moisture. For example, if the body is dehydrated, then if you stand in water, or even more so to plunge into it, the body will get drunk. ))

alexx_v: If they would have stayed at home, in the warmth, eating smoked sausages and beer it would not have happened, but they did not.

They've been programmed to do that. Just like everywhere else, from childhood we are taught that we owe the hell out of those idiots who are in power. And when they need us to do their bidding, kill someone, etc. This schizophrenic system needs to be fixed globally, everywhere at once. As it is a big risk or even suicidal for one country (they will come again).

alexx_v: But if they had stayed at home, in the warmth, eating smoked sausages and beer, none of this would have happened, but they did not.

Yes, it was enough to stop at Europe and not go to Rasea. They had a walk in Europe, by comparison.

The most unexpected thing for them was that the Russians were resisting hard even in hopeless situations (European armies were just giving up straight away). The liquidation of the pits (and there were a lot of them until winter 1941. The large ones alone - Minsk, Smolensk, Vyazma, Bryansk) required huge resources: hand-to-hand fighting was a huge loss on both sides.


By the way, it is water procedures that compensate for the lack of moisture. For example, if the body is dehydrated, if you stand in water, or even more so if you immerse yourself in water, the body will get drunk. ))

Absolutely. The skin is like that. The main thing is not to drink. By the way, the last time in December, I had no craving for water, neither to cool down, nor to take a shower.

Torturing? Oh, come on. When I smoked for 20 years, up to two packs a day, I used to torture him, systematically. When I drank vodka, I used to torture it. This, on the other hand, is a relief. What can it do for you? Well, maybe with your health. Sport, I mean physical training, fitness it's called now :) has its place. But he hasn't been on any needles :) Sorry about the hedgehogs :)))) I hope you're not making fun of that hedgehog, the non-communicable one? :))

Don't talk about smoking and vodka, it's all clear.

As a matter of fact the organism is geared to survival by means of reference to the memory in search of ready patterns and (or) readjustment under the current situation.

You drive the organism into a situation that is centuries old. Drought, crop failure, the body adjusts to nutritional deficits and rebuilds the metabolism. At the same time, it feeds the brain with hints of recommended behaviour.

The body "borrows" from itself to survive. This will inevitably pay off later. Roughly speaking, you live less years. You will receive endorphins and purification in a short period of time.

It is easier and quicker to remove toxins from the menu. You need your own bread (but not from our flour), your own sausages, etc..

Don't tell me I can't write this because I haven't quit smoking myself.


Yes, it was enough to stop at Europe and not go to Racia.

Read more. )) It wasn't possible. It was tantamount to suicide.