Interesting and Humour - page 707

Some people, when reading a paper book, salivate their finger to make it easier to turn the pages. I wonder if that could be patented.
Some people, when reading a paper book, salivate their finger to make it easier to turn pages. I wonder if that could be patented.

In fact, develop a technology that emulates page turning without drooling and go ahead.

By the way, you should rather get a patent for Cyrillic alphabet :) otherwise you have to either pay to Apple or use Latin alphabet, Moldova wrote in Latin alphabet for a long time already, they did not have enough money to buy a patent :)


I did an episode ))

Seemed fine.


1. I haven't stopped studying for a day. Only I don't need a university, a dean's office, idiot PE teachers, credits, sessions, etc. to do that.
My red diploma with golden handwriting is my studio.
2. "To be the first" is the most ineffective goal. "To be rich" is too. "To be famous" is all the more so. You have to find more interesting goals.
3.I believe that what I like is useful. If I like working, drinking coffee, smoking and drinking tap water - then it's useful.

Artemy Lebedev is the founder of "Artemy Lebedev Studio", which is one of the first and largest web-design studios in Runet. His most famous works are: Yandex, Moscow Underground, Akunin's Collected Works.


1. I haven't stopped studying for a day. I don't need to go to university, the dean's office, idiotic gymnastics teachers, credits, sessions, etc.
My red diploma with golden handwriting is my studio.
2. "To be the first" is the most ineffective goal. "To be rich" is too. "To be famous" is all the more so. You have to find more interesting goals.
3.I believe that what I like is useful. If I like working, drinking coffee, smoking and drinking tap water - then it's useful.

Artemy Lebedev is the founder of "Artemy Lebedev Studio", which is one of the first and largest web-design studios in Runet. His most famous works are: Yandex, Moscow Underground, Akunin's collected works.

Thema, of course, is a clever man, but...

1) If someone likes shooting up, is it useful?

2) What does it mean to be effective/ineffective? Being poor is effective? What to live on, to support a family, children?
it's not a manual.
It's a concept.
By the way, he doesn't smoke and is campaigning to quit for those who do
It's not a manual.
It's a concept.
by the way he doesn't smoke and he's encouraging smokers to quit
Come on, it's about time. )))
Come on, come on, it's about time. )))
By the way, yes.