Interesting and Humour - page 522

What kind of story? ))

There is, but I don't know if that's the one you mean. I read it when I was a kid and couldn't remember the title. Found it by tagging "a story about a house with multidimensional space" - Google is as good as ever.


There is, but I don't know if that's the one you mean. I read it when I was a kid and couldn't remember the title. Found it by tagging "a story about a house with multidimensional space" - Google is as good as ever.

Yes yes. That's right. (chuckles) Ooh, where's my storybook.

- Daddy, are you sure this is how a roast is made?
- Vovochka, shut up and stay out of the oven!

At the pioneer camp, the counselor helps the children sort out their things.
And he is surprised when he notices one boy has an umbrella.
- Why do you need an umbrella at camp?

- Tell me, have you ever had a mother?

- Vasya, I gave your new jeans to a neighbour.
- What's that for?!
- You didn't like them anyway.
- Come on, Liusya, let's give your mother to the neighbour.


Biobots without guidance will go extinct.


Or maybe it will get to the point where we will be these biorobots and be able to reproduce ourselves. In other words, it is possible that this is the natural evolutionary process and it was "designed in this way from the beginning". It is great not to depend on food, water, heat, sensations of pain and other junk. To be nourished only by energy that is everywhere in space. You can think of a lot of other things. With such possibilities one can concentrate one's consciousness completely on other goals. Intergalactic travel, etc. )))

It is possible to view everything in an apocalyptic light to try to prevent the worst outcome and this is also necessary. But one also needs to see what one can get out of it in the most favourable scenario. Anyway, in my opinion, at this stage things are so decrepit, brainless and messy that sometimes you don't even want to be at all. But having some kind of goal, vision or idea of how it can all be improved, life is then filled with meaning. And without such a goal, then why live at all? )))


Or maybe it will come to the point where we will be these biorobots and we will be able to reproduce ourselves. That is, it is possible that this is the natural evolutionary course of development and it was "designed that way from the beginning". It is great not to depend on food, water, heat, sensations of pain and other junk. To be nourished only by energy that is everywhere in space. You can think of a lot of other things. Having such possibilities one can concentrate one's consciousness completely on other goals. Intergalactic travel, etc. )))

It is possible to view everything in an apocalyptic light to try to prevent the worst outcome and this is also necessary. But one also needs to see what one can get out of it in the most favourable scenario. Anyway, in my opinion, at this stage things are so decrepit, brainless and messy that sometimes you don't even want to be at all. But having some kind of goal, vision or idea of how it can all be improved, life is then filled with meaning. And without such a goal, then why live at all? )))

Our teenagers don't need to care about food, water, heat etc.

The lower a person's level of need, the less he or she does.

The lower a person's level of need, the less he does.

The northern countries are more developed than the hot countries because the level of necessity is higher.

As soon as necessity brings a human being to the brink of survival he displays great ingenuity.


Our teenagers do not need to worry about food, water, heat etc.

The lower a person's level of need, the less he or she does.

The lower a person's level of need, the less he does.

The northern countries are more developed than the hot countries because the level of necessity is higher.

As soon as necessity brings a human being to the brink of survival he shows great ingenuity.

It's always been like that. I mean, most people throughout history have not been particularly resourceful. There have always been few outstanding scientists who have made significant contributions. Everyone else was sort of a tool to put an idea into practice. It is easier to think in the cold. In the heat the brain melts and a lot of energy is spent on making the body cool itself down. It's the same on a full stomach. 70% of energy goes into digesting food. The heavier it is, the more energy it takes and you even want to take a nap for an hour. )))

We would have to be resourceful sooner or later to relocate to another planet if we can learn to survive all cataclysms and disasters and get to that point. The planet/sun doesn't last forever either, and to relocate to another planet you have to be resourceful too.

Of course, you can look at it in another way. In a sense, life is eternal. It is a self-reproducing process and there is no point in flying anywhere, because if there are suitable conditions, everything will work out by itself. But it's not interesting that way. )) There will be attempts anyway and it's obvious. There will always be people who have the meaning of life. Even if they do not need anything material, it is not enough to feel good. A constant search, self-discovery, development and results are what can bring true moral pleasure. Everything else is rubbish for domesticated primates. )))

P.S. You have misunderstood the idea"It's great not to depend on food, water, heat, pain and other junk". Take a broader view. ))

We are biorobots, created in the "image and likeness"...
We are biorobots, created in the "image and likeness"...
Yes, exactly. But our current stage of development is far from final. I hope so. ))

I think those who have ceased to exist in this life - they don't give a damn about our problems - to eat, to sleep, to be entertained.