Interesting and Humour - page 380


Don't tell me you're fucked. That only happens in the beautiful songs of the bard's ears. :)

About the cats, you're insulting. I'll sell it to you for $100 for 24 hours. So you can see for yourself and stop slandering. Although slander is always inherently unfounded.

Thank you. I don't want anyone else's for free, even for a year.
Thank you, I don't need anything from anyone else, not even for a year.

I wasn't going to get you anything.

And just smile, or else you'll turn into an egg-laying bear.


About the cats, you're insulting. I'll sell it to you for $100 for 1 day. So you can see for yourself and stop slandering. Although slander is always inherently unfounded.

You're a total crook.

everyone for 10,000

and for me it's 365x100 = 36,500

Okay, I'm not vindictive. That's why I'm writing everything down.



You're a total crook.

everyone for 10,000

and for me it's 365x100 = 36,500

Okay, I'm not vindictive. That's why I'm writing everything down.


Oh, sorry. It's really expensive for an old acquaintance. Is that your option? - Don't tell me you don't want someone else's, you' ll buy the robot honestly. You make sure it doesn't work and then you tell everyone in good conscience that Ju's a fraud and a crook.
Oh, sorry. It's really expensive for an old acquaintance. Is that your option? - Don't tell me you don't want someone else's, you' ll honestly buy the robot. Make sure it doesn't work and then tell everyone that Ju's a fraud and a crook.
I'm not buying your robot. Not even for a quid. Even if it makes something.

Two friends meet, one complaining to the other about life:

- His wife is nagging him, there's a lot of work to be done, the house is a mess, etc.

The other one tells him:

- I bought an elephant, it is so beautiful, it vacuums, waters the lawn, carries the bags for my wife, and takes the kids for a ride.

The first one asks:

- Sell it.

The other one:

- All right, I'll give it to a friend. Bought it for 30,000, I'll give it back for 20, as a friend.

They meet a week later. The one who sold the elephant asks:

- How's it going?

- Oh, don't ask. Even worse. The elephant is a pest, doesn't do anything, eats, stinks and piles up a metre high. My wife kicks me out of the house, nags me every day.

- No, man! You can't sell an elephant with that attitude!

Time to go


Time to go

You can't run away from yourself.

It's time to go.

And rightly so - it's time to piss off. The sooner all the active members of the 5th column get out, the better.
And rightly so - it's time to piss off. The sooner all the active members of the 5th column leave, the better.