Interesting and Humour - page 349


As far as can be seen from the massive information attack - Russia's past is being diligently uprooted, blackened and distorted.

"He who does not remember the past has no future".

And who told you that you can remember the past? Who told you that you even know it?

Brick, the history of the U.K.P.B. is not history, it's bullshit.


Yes indeed. In the years "after perestroika" there really is nothing to be proud of. And since the only people to be proud of are their great ancestors, let's do everything to make their greatness disappear.

"Every jackal can bite a dead lion" (c)

Conversation in hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Conversation in hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu.

In essence, Bolkonsky is not to blame. Our country has become the subject of a cruel experiment on people, on logic, on common sense and on the fundamentals of human relationships and motivations.

For decades there has been a mutation from homo sapiens to homo sovieticus. And, as you can see, not without success. And at what cost...

It just needs more years and years to heal . Awareness, understanding and treatment.

It's a shame that they are pulling us back into the Soviet system. It's easier for them to rule. They do not want to give up power. And they cannot.

Yes indeed. In the years "after perestroika" there is really nothing to be proud of. And since we have only great ancestors to be proud of, we will do everything to make their greatness disappear.

After we executed the king we have nothing to be proud of.

Merchants were proud of their ancestors because it gave weight to their word, but one lie could ruin their reputation.

Nobles were proud of their ancestors because it legitimised their right to power.

All we have in the past is theft and self-glorification. While we "eternal builders of communism" pretended to be the most popular country, the Scandinavians built their own real socialism, without slogans and struggle for the rights of the working class. Real socialism itself.


After we executed the king we have nothing to be proud of.

Merchants were proud of their ancestors because it gave weight to their word, but one lie could ruin their reputation.

The nobility was proud of their ancestors because it legitimised their right to power.

All we have in the past is theft and self-glorification. While we "eternal builders of communism" pretended to be the most popular country, the Scandinavians have built real socialism, without slogans and struggle for the rights of the working class. Real socialism itself.

About the Tsar's treasury - remember the executions of the kings of France and England, which did not happen in Russia. Only Nicholas, who abdicated the throne at a difficult time for Russia, was executed. Nicholas was doomed.

About socialism in Scandinavia, which was "built by the Scandinavians" - remember the Marshall Plan - and the goals of the plan were "purely economic"

About pride - a man is proud of the accomplishments in his life - son, grandson - proud of his father, grandfather - a nation - proud of its history - what is wrong with that?

"A nation treats its great men as the soil treats the plants it produces." (Belinsky)

"In today's world nothing makes such a favourable impression as colourlessness. It brings one closer together." (Wilde Oscar)


A sane man and why he was replaced by this's man, I do not understand.


I don't understand why they replaced him with today's guy.

It's very simple, when Ukraine was not in the best negotiating positions Lady U stood on the verge of signing a contract at $235 pegged to oil (this was a Russian offer by the way, it was enough for us to agree).

But Yushchenko said the price should be $204 and called off the negotiators.

The next move by Russia was to cut off gas on New Year's Day, freeze Europe, and the next round of negotiations was $235 but linked to Italian gasoline (the price of which is controlled by Lukoil), with the result that Ukraine now has a price of $450.

And now tell me whether Yushchenko is to blame for the fact that such a contract was signed, which he praises so beautifully in this video?

ZZY The funny thing is that gasoline is used in Italy very rarely, as a reserve in severe frosts, and Lukoil (quite a company loyal to the Russian government) is in fact a monopolist that forms its price. So it is very easy to manipulate the price. Theoretically, it is not profitable to raise the price because it leads to consumer losses, but in practice the profit from the price of gas in Ukraine more than covers Lukoil's losses from the non-market price of gasoline in Italy.

Obviously the Ukrainian negotiators did not take this into account and that is why they signed such a contract.

ZZZY in general I do not know what they have there at the top, what schemes, I heat my flat with gas, in winter it costs me 12$ a month, I am fine with it. And all the rest is a grudge against oligarchren who were rubbed out of the hand-warming schemes.


I'm sorry, but Yanukovych is completely insane.