Interesting and Humour - page 233


He will easily write . "The isoteric effect of forum citation bugs on the quality of research into patterns of non-stationary processes in a vacuum".

The article will be wrapped up. Ultimatum guaranteed. Bug is fixed.

let's wait


Moisha bought a donkey for a hundred dollars from an old farmer. The farmer was to bring him the donkey the next day. The farmer came as agreed, but without the donkey.
-- I'm sorry, but the donkey is dead.
-- Well, then I want my $100 back.
-I can't. I already spent it.
-- All right, then just leave me the donkey.
-- But what are you gonna do with it? -- The old man asked.
-- I'm gonna raffle it off.
-- But you can't raffle off a WASP donkey!!!
-I can, believe me. I just won't tell anyone it's dead.
A month later, a farmer meets Moishe:
-- What happened to that dead donkey?
-- I raffled it off, like I said. I sold five hundred raffle tickets at two dollars apiece and made $898 profit.
-- And no one protested?
-- Only one guy. The one who won the donkey. He was very angry... until I apologized and gave him his two dollars back.

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MetaDriver 2012.03.21 15:17 #

Ссылка твоя битая. Давай рассказывай вручную.

Excuse me...


Huh. (chuckles) got it.

Mischek: Huh. (chuckles) figured it out.

I don't get it. Is there a beer under his jacket? But when does he have time to plug it in...
I don't get it. Is there a beer under the jacket or what? But when does he have time to plug it in...

Well, the beer is somewhere on the body, and it seems to be pressurised. in the right hand there is a tube that ends on a finger that connects to the "handle" of the tap.

// or are you distracting me from the mosquito?) ?