Interesting and Humour - page 206

Nah, it's different in Finland. Not at all. The rhythm of life is different.
Nah, it's different in Finland. Not at all. The rhythm of life is different.

Yes, I know this from my aunt, who went to live in Denmark with her husband and travelled around Europe for 10 years. People there have a completely different mentality. They then went back to live in Moscow. They were very bored and alien there. )))

"Every Abram has his own programme." (s) I don't know who. Maybe a Jew. )))



Simon Kordonsky

..... "Reformers, as a rule, learn about what is happening in the country from the media, and they are not at all happy with what is happening. The reformers would probably like the news and analytical TV programmes to stop broadcasting scandalous chronicles. It would signal the advent of peace and order and economic prosperity". .....


My child (aged 10) wanted to vote. I said I would give him my ballot. Let him decide for himself. He chose Prokhorov. We went to the polling station, and his mother was watching via internet cameras. He filled the ballot in and dropped it himself.

The voting was at his school. Then he was looking at information on the Internet with me about falsification in favour of Putin at the expense of Prokhorov and the others. And he burst into tears.

The carefully bred man is already protesting. And why the fuck would I want him to live here?

Sometimes I wish we'd never been conquered, like the barbarians who destroyed Rome
Sometimes I wish we'd never been conquered, like the barbarians who destroyed Rome.
Nature seems to have its own plans for that. Everywhere has its own path of development. It remains to be seen where others' paths of development will lead in the end. Maybe it will be worse thereafter. So we should probably not regret what we have or had.
Sometimes I wish we had never been conquered, like the barbarians who destroyed Rome
Useless my dear Frodo, read history, Russian reality is what ruined them... :)
Sometimes I wish we had never been conquered, like the barbarians who destroyed Rome
I don't see why not. At children's matinees they praise and applaud louder for the rhymes in English. The word 'good' is replaced by 'OK'. The citizens of the country hate their country and constantly whine everywhere and everywhere that they "need to get out". The education, upbringing and physical development system is ruined. The health care system is ruined. The industry is ruined and what works is fully serviced by foreign capital. The financial system is not self-sufficient. The population is shrinking. Health and productivity is deteriorating. So you can rejoice.