Interesting and Humour - page 187


Maybe it's easier to expel those from the '80% club', there are fewer of them.

Which means it's easier for them to leave than for everyone to get away.

Nah, it's a hundred times worse than that. The country is dominated by boorish people. I don't mean Putin specifically, but louts in general, in everyone, almost everyone. Any community of people, from families and tribes to regions and countries, under neutral or favorable conditions, strive to develop towards progress, morality, creativity and justice. It is genetically conditioned. Under Yeltsin, progress began slowly. With Putin's arrival it stopped and crawled backwards. POWER and money are the only goal of that man. First the degradation began among security officials, then at all levels of governance and management. Stealing has always been bad, now it is the norm, the main thing is not to get caught. Under the rules of the game, almost everyone who shouts "Stop the thief" immediately begins to do the same. No one cares about tomorrow for a long time now. Purely theoretically everything can be fixed. We must get started. But there are processes that cannot be fixed in a day. For example education.

It is a cornerstone process. Higher education diplomas have long been bought as credits, sessions, etc. And their owners have already come to life.But they do not know how to do shit. A doctor who doesn't know HOW, a designer who doesn't know autocad etc etc etc.

This is bullshit. But even worse, soon there will be no one to teach higher education. Their place will have to be taken by those who bought the sessions. It will take decades to fix just the problems in education. That is if we start fixing them tomorrow.

But it is clear to everyone that this will not happen tomorrow. The redistribution of capital assets in the country as a whole has been completed. Everything is more or less divided. Now the main task is to retain it. Prokhorov was mobilized for this purpose. In the event of a non-Putin scenario, he becomes a guarantor of the system of which he is a part. It is impossible to change anything. They can only haggle for better living conditions. For such means, the system will do anything. And meanwhile the degradation of the state has become irreversible. We had to go anyway. Either before I entered the first grade, or right after school. Now we regret that we decided to finish school here. At home.


Do you expect to be welcomed there? Emigrants in any country are second-class citizens. This is a reality, whatever the press may say about it.

Let me give you an example from my life.

When I was renovating my own place, I had a craftsman working for me. He told me an episode from his life. Some time ago he was renovating the house of a very wealthy man who had recently (at the time of the story) come back to live in Russia. The repairman asked him why he came back. The answer will surprise you.

The wealthy person replied that despite his millions he was a second class citizen in that country. Every official looked at him askance. He got fed up with it and returned.

So no one is waiting for us there. And it's not a fact that it will be better there. Calmer, yes, but better, not necessarily.

Thanks, but don't worry about me.

That's right. A double standard. In your passage there is "pain" and "lamentation" about the future of society. According to the text you, as a member of society, are not yet lost to society. If a member of society who is not lost to society leaves it, what chance does society have to survive?

And a question for Schreibicus and an active member of the animal welfare society: Does the phrase "rats leaving the ship" need to have the word "rats" in quotes?

Alas, my position is that it's time to go.
As sad as it is, you're right...

The wealthy man replied that despite his millions, he was a second-class citizen in that country. Every official looked down on him. He got fed up with it and came back.

On the other hand, in Russia he is a man of the first order..... as long as there are millions.

In Russia, an official will look at you like shit even when you give him a bribe, and at other times he won't look at you at all.


That's right. A double standard. In your passage there is "pain" and "lamentation" about the future of society. According to the text you, as a member of society, are not yet lost to society. If a member of the society who is not lost for society leaves it, what chances has the society got for survival?

I am not living ten lives and I am not even living two lives and I am not 25 and I have one wife and one son. I do not have time to wait until most of the people around me understand that stealing is wrong and that you have to work to eat.

And a question for Schreibicus and an active member of the animal welfare society: Does the phrase "rats abandoning ship" need to include the word "rats" in inverted commas?

I would leave it without inverted commas. Out of respect for the intelligence of rats choosing the chance of salvation over collective suicide.
I do not have ten lives or even two, and I am not 25 and have one wife and one son. I do not have time to wait until most of the people around me understand that stealing is wrong and that you have to work to eat.
Of course - you and your son each have one life. And this is the life that you personally suggest to your son, your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on, outside the category of "Motherland". You and your son only wish to live your only life in a foreign land so that you do not feel pain for the years you have spent aimlessly.
Of course - you and your son have one life each. And this one life you personally propose to your son, your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. to live outside the category of "motherland". You and your son should live your only life in another country so you don't feel pain for the years you lived aimlessly.
Don't worry so much . ))

I have spoken to people who have gone there, and in my opinion these people fall into two categories:

1. The person wants to remain a Russian person (or a Soviet person, if you like).

2. The person wants to assimilate into this society.

Speaking about the country of the winning boor, it was the same under Yeltsin, because the boor won in 1917, while in 80-90s the boor won and was logically transformed into the gopniks. So we have a country where the gopniks win.

By the way here in Ukraine it is even formally, Gopnik-President is already a diagnosis to the country. ;(