Interesting and Humour - page 76


Is the train travelling to the left or to the right?


Is the train travelling to the left or to the right?

To the right.

Is the train travelling to the left or to the right?

To the right.

Oh, so that's it. Э... ...due to the lack of arguments in my favor, I'll move on to the last one.

Boo boo boo boo.

So that's it. There's no way against "baa" if there's no other "baa."


So that's the sh-o-o-o... There's no use against "beh" if there's no other "beh"

Wow! )))))))) I wonder if it's photoshopped or is it really like that? )))) And what kind of look is that? It's the first time I've seen one with a crease on its forehead.)))

What have you done to the bear, animal man?
there are russian subtitles to choose from at the bottom
there's russian subtitles at the bottom you can select
corrected the link