Gentlemen site developers - please write correctly in Russian - page 5

What a resonance. Thanks for the opinions. About missing commas and other mistakes in my posts, I misspoke at the beginning - posts on forums are written simply, hastily. This is not a documentation text and not a title of a site. Mistakes are forgivable for everybody here. They are inexcusable if the text is correct, important and meant to set standards for general use. If deliberate mistakes are made in such cases, they certainly do not embellish the authors. As far as I understand, this problem with mismanagement of words has been legitimised by the developers, so to speak? Well, the master is the master. I just draw attention to the fact that my suggested way of writing is the only correct way to write Russian. If anyone does not agree, then let him do it silently, because otherwise he just makes himself look ignorant and stubborn. ;-) And you can write anything you like on the fence (and on the Internet).

I don't really give a shit whether it's written correctly or not. The main thing is that people understand.

I even got an A in Russian once in my life, but on my final exam.

Which once again proves that my position was formed in childhood.

When I want I can write perfectly well, but I'm not going to bother and worry about this.

Again, do not forget that the language is a dynamic entity that reflects the spirit of the times.

And let the scribblers learn Latin, because nothing changes there and everything follows the rules.

ZZY Who lives by a book will die from a typo.


With the Arabs, texts written down 1,000 years ago read like those of today.

Their grammar is protected by the state.

Arabic I know, read and write without a dictionary.

Their vocabulary is very well developed.

That's the most utter rubbish I've ever heard! Arabic has different dialects depending on the countries in which it is used, for example, in the Arab Emirates, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, moreover, the Arabic script is often used by languages that are indirectly related to it, for example until 19...(I do not remember exactly, like about 18) year, the Tatar language was written exclusively in Arabic script, and only after that year the Tatars switched to Cyrillic, respectively rules differ in each country, including the meaning of words and words themselves!!! Accordingly, people from different countries with different dialects may not understand each other when communicating!
By the way, over the last thousand years, the Arabs have lost a lot of the true meanings of words put into them in the formation of the language, in principle, as all other languages, and the same Koran, now can only reproduce without understanding the meaning of words,
which was put into it about 1500 years ago, and all interpretations of the Koran, have only approximate meanings from the original!!!
And what can be said about texts that "read like today's" ?????????? EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED! AND FUNDAMENTALLY!

Since you have studied Arabic, it would be nice to know these elementary things too.


To mrProF:

Yes there is. The grammar is stricter, so it's simpler. On the whole, the language is very simple. It is the language of 1/7th of the world's population.

It is estimated that the number of speakers of Arabic is about 320-290 million people, respectively, using mathematics and your statement "A language of 1/7th of the world's population", we have a total world population: 320*7=2240 million people...

Although, if we believe the official data, then as of July 2010, the population of the planet approximately amounted to 6 788 372 945 people (approximately, because the methods of calculation are not known).

If we use the same mathematics to calculate the actual population using Arabic as a medium of conversation, we roughly get 320 000 / 6 788 373 = 0.0471 (about 1/21 of the population of the planet), respectively, in your statement there is a gross error of calculation.


To argue about the Koran, it is advisable to read it at least once.

I, by the way, know about 1/15th of the Koran by heart, reading it from cover to cover, of course.

The Arabs believe that over 1000000000 people alive today know at least a few surahs of Koran by heart.

Of these, indeed, approximately 300000000 live in Arab countries.

By the way they say that Aladdin lived in China and understood the Maghribian, i.e. the inhabitant of West Africa.

I happen to understand conversations between Azerbaijanis, because they say a lot of Arabic words.

It is a lot of fun.


That's how the Russian language changes - an occasional mistake in a Microsoft Word dictionary - and that's it, the Russian teacher will be convinced right next to the blackboard that she doesn't know a damn thing.

Let's measure not by search engines, they won't give you anything, but at least by specialized resources.

perhaps here:

SZZY: This is the 21st century, what will happen next?

Dal, Shmelev, Nekrasov, Solzhenitsyn, found in a library of Russian texts by a specialised search engine, are not speakers of correct Russian?
Dal, Shmelev, Nekrasov, Solzhenitsyn, found in a library of Russian texts by a specialized search engine, are not speakers of correct Russian?

search engines themselves are not native speakers of the russian language, but resources that you can access from search engines may be sources of the correct spelling of russian words:

if slang and misspellings are all over the rounet, it's not necessarily true.

I believe that foreign software developers have some difficulties in writing correctly, but the Russian-speaking MetaQuotes Software Corp. has no such problems, just typos


Generally speaking, the starter post himself is mistaken in saying that someone has mixed up the genitive and accusative cases. Not at all. The accusative case answers the question "whom, what". "The expert and the indicator!" The expert is like a living person, unlike the soulless indicator.


search engines themselves are not native speakers of the russian language, but resources that you can access from search engines may be sources of the correct spelling of russian words:

If slang and misspellings flood the Runet, it doesn't mean they should

Screenshots of the search engine results were shown to Mr. C-4, who claimed that the word "access" is not in the Russian language or in programmers' slang.

On the subject of slang, let me make a remark. Appropriate slang is indispensable in professional activities, since it reflects the essence of those activities much more accurately, concisely and succinctly. It is slang, not Albanian jargon, which I will not describe.


Screenshots of the search engine results were shown to Mr. C-4, who claimed that the word "access" does not exist in Russian or in programmer slang.

On the subject of slang, let me make a remark. Appropriate slang is indispensable in professional activities, since it reflects the essence of those activities much more accurately, concisely and succinctly. It is slang, not Albanian jargon that I won't describe.

about slang I agree a hundred percent, I used to write my diploma - technical profile, in the year of graduation I was forced to rewrite everything in Ukrainian - it turned out that 90% of technical terms in Ukrainian are missing, because during the Soviet era the Ukrainian language has not developed

that's why in russian language as well there are moments when language cannot give complete description of technical term without using slang or foreign words

HH: I joined the discussion, because screenshots of search engines can still give you something - this is not authoritative

ZY: screenshot - the Russian language rests ))))


An expert is like a live one, unlike a soulless indicator.

I hope you understand that this does not make the expression "write (order, create...) an expert" any more correct.