Gentlemen site developers - please write correctly in Russian - page 3


По-моему, во фразе "пишите пожалуйста грамотно по-русски" грамотно было выделить слово пожалуйста запятыми. ;)

That's not right. Please is not an introductory word in this case. If the phrase was: "Please, write Russian correctly" - then, yes, "please" is an introductory word, and it should be marked with a comma. In this case, "please" does not need to be marked with a comma at all, as well as any other word in this sentence, as the use of words belonging to different parts of speech (commas in this case are not placed).


This is incorrect.

You're right. The rule is wrong.

In this case "please" should not be marked with commas at all, as well as any other word in this sentence, as the use of words belonging to different parts of speech is obvious

There is a comma. Comma.

(there are no commas in this case).

But such mistakes are scary, because the rule is one of the simplest.


I am Belarusian, but, by all appearances, I know Russian better than 95% of Russians. Aren't you ashamed, Russians?


That's right. Wrong rule.

There's a comma. Comma.

But mistakes like this are scary, for the rule is one of the simplest.


I am Belarusian, but, by all appearances, I know Russian better than 95% of Russians. Aren't you ashamed, Russians?

Vodka or a machine gun is good enough for us, as long as it kicks you in the ass.


I am Belarusian, but, by all appearances, I know Russian better than 95% of Russians. Aren't you ashamed of yourself, Russians?

It's a shame) But Russian is not a simple thing. Back in the fourth grade, I got rid of the idea of applying the rules of that Russian language to the Russian language. Solid exceptions to the rules.



I am Belarusian, but apparently I know Russian better than 95% of Russians. Aren't you ashamed of yourself, Russians?

Maybe I am mistaken, but in our case (I mean the thematic forum), it is important to be informative.

But just out of pure curiosity (I'm not going to pretend to anything) - what is the right way to call a Belarusian or a Byelorussian?


I mean this, for example: Belarus, Belarusian partisan, Belarusians (simple Google search)...


Shame) But the Russian language is not a simple thing. Back in the fourth grade, I got rid of the idea of applying the rules of that Russian language to the Russian language. Solid exceptions to the rules.


Maybe I'm wrong, but in our case (I mean a thematic forum), informativeness is important.

Out of pure curiosity I ask (I'm not going to pretend to anything) - is it correct to be Belarusian or Belorussian?


I mean this, for example: Belarus, Belarusian partisan, Belarusians (simple Google search)...

The Republic of Belarus, respectively, the Belarusians.

Belarus -- what was before the collapse of the union, respectively, partisans -- Belarusian.


Republic of Belarus, respectively, the Belarusians.

Belarus is what it was before the collapse of the union; consequently, the partisans are Belarusians.

I see

To mrProF:

Yes there is. The grammar is stricter, so it's easier. On the whole, the language is very simple. It is the language of 1/7th of the world's population.


Oh, those Russians!


This is an interesting topic. I am publishing an excerpt from my correspondence with the helpdesk on this topic:

After these words I collapsed from my chair:) Although the mistake was corrected.

Why did you collapse from your chair? It was my message in which I agreed that "in this context the words 'validity' and 'accessibility' should not be used, for slang". And indeed, the text has since been corrected. Although it really isn't an error.

I have no time to argue with you. And I will not argue with you, as you have not made a single real argument for the correctness of your statements. And in response to our arguments you "fall out of your chair".