Gentlemen site developers - please write correctly in Russian - page 4


Why did you collapse from your chair? That was my post, in which I agreed that in "in this context the words 'validity' and 'accessibility' should not be used, for slang". And indeed, the text has since been corrected. Although it really isn't an error.

I have no time to argue with you. And I will not argue with you, as you have not made a single real argument for the correctness of your statements. And in response to our arguments you "fall off the chair".

I am not going to argue with you either, but simply give you the facts,

1. there is no such word in the spelling dictionary of the Russian language.

2. No one I surveyed specifically for this case (that's 13-15 people, including those with philological education) have ever heard this word.

(3.) I'm not familiar with the word, although I read the technical documentation and know a little bit about programming (i.e. I know some "programmer's slang").



OK, let's keep it simple. Let's take a vote:

Who among the participants, understands the meaning of the word "DOUBLE"? Who can say they use the word in everyday speech?


How to Write an Expert Advisor or an Indicator ->|ru|-> How to Write an Expert Advisor or an Indicator

How to Write an Expert Advisor or an Indicator -> -> How to Write an Expert Advisor or an Indicator

How to Write an Expert Advisor or an Indicator -> -> How to Write an Expert Advisor or an Indicator

Oh, sure, auto-translators are the ultimate truth. You probably know Arabic at the level of "How to Write an Expert Advisor or Indicator" too.


Simply run a Yandex search on the Moshkov library ( for the word "accessibility". And you will see that the word has been used many times in both Russian and Soviet literature.



Simply run a Yandex search on the Moshkov library ( for the word "accessibility". You will see that the word has been used many times in both Russian and Soviet literature.

There you go:

There is no such word and its derivatives in Russian:


There you go:

There is no such word and its derivatives in Russian:


A normal word, from the word 'access'.


That's how the Russian language changes - an occasional mistake in a Microsoft Word dictionary - and that's it, the Russian teacher will be convinced right next to the blackboard that she doesn't know a damn thing.

Let's measure not by search engines, they won't give you anything, but at least by specialized resources.

perhaps here:

SZZY: This is the 21st century, what will happen next?

What a resonance. Thanks for the opinions. As for missing commas and other mistakes in my posts, I said it at the beginning - posts on the forums are written simply, hastily. This is not a documentation text and not a title of a site. Mistakes are forgivable for everybody here. They are inexcusable if the text is correct, important and meant to set standards for general use. If in such cases deliberate mistakes are made, they do not give credit to the authors. As far as I understand, this problem with mismanagement of words has been legitimised by the developers, so to speak? Well, the master is the master. I just draw attention to the fact that my suggested way of writing is the only correct way to write Russian. If anyone does not agree, then let him do it silently, because otherwise he just makes himself look ignorant and stubborn. ;-) And you can really write anything you like on the fences (and the Internet).