Gentlemen site developers - please write correctly in Russian - page 9


It is the native words that have the funniest exceptions.

For example, words without a root, if you consider that having a root is the rule.

Please do not be rude. Slava (stringo) never allows such remarks neither on forums nor in person. Otherwise you will be temporarily banned. The topic should be closed, we will take into account all the opinions expressed, the design and functionality of the site are constantly being improved.

With such a course of action you will have to ban the whole world in the near future.

It reminds one of Microsoft's journey with the Windows Vista operating system in which the company implemented only their own subjective views of what people needed and how they would use computers without regard for the wishes and needs of the rest, but the result showed the real balance of power - a complete failure of the operating system and then the company set up a whole department dedicated to the study of needs, wishes and other data for their product to market.

Basically, in any company there comes a point when, if things have been going well for a while, the managers' egos start to come out on top and they make the grave mistake of considering other people's opinions, it is often said "overgrown" and it is at that point, the time/phase when things suddenly start to go wrong for the company.\

In my purely personal opinion, the platform Metatrader 4 reflected what was needed for people at that time, the management team during the creation of the platform was in a state where they felt the mood and desire of people, while the time of writing the platform Metatrader 5, it feels that something was lost, and the company's leaders begin to lobby for what they think everyone needs (which is not true), without regard to the opinions of end users.

I think time will tell its alignment of forces.


!!! You don't have to read a book to argue about it ???

You make me laugh about Tatar, thank you.

As far as I remember, the original topic of my answer to you was about languages, and about Arabic language in particular, not about the content of the book (I know the content of the book very well, the understanding of Arabic words that I have now, but not the understanding that I had when the book was written, about which I can only guess, but all that has nothing to do with the topic of the conversation).

Could you be more specific about what caused your laughter about the Tatar?


I am a Tatar with an Arabic surname. Most Tatars, by the way, have Arab surnames.


It is the native words that have the funniest exceptions.

For example, words without a root, if you consider that having a root is the rule.

I would refer you to a competent philologist for advice on this, as there are no words without roots. Everything else (meaning "exceptions" or secondary formations with the root lost, which was originally there) is either the transformation of words from the original, beyond recognition, by native speakers over a very long time, and putting the result into dictionaries, or the original incorrect parsing of the word into its components.

How about the word "Understand" (prefix-suffix-end).

Hint: seeМорфема.


How about the word "Understand" (prefix-suffix-end).

Hint: seeМорфема.

Once again, all words have roots, and by words I mean the original words, in their original form, not transformed by native speakers, and brought to our time in that (transformed) form.

Here, for example, is a breakdown of the word "REMOVE" (any of the so-called "exception words" can be similarly parsed):

The verb take out is one of those very few Russian words that do not etymologically have the original root. This does not mean, however, that from the modern point of view it is a word without a root. The non-derivative stem is characteristic of absolutely every word and is the most important element that motivates its meaning. The verb in question has the root, but it is a different root from the one that was present when the verb appeared in the language.
Our verb was formed (by means of the prefix you-) from the verb yati "to take", as well as to take (by means of the prefix vvz~), to embrace (by means of the prefix ob-), to take in (by means of the prefix vn-, cf. the same prefix in inspire, vni- "enter" etc.), to remove (by means of the prefix iz-), etc.
Later on the original reveal - vyvimati (cf. dug) by analogy with the relatives vnyati-attentioni, withdraw - withdraw (with prefix edn-, cf. the same prefix in the noun eating, eating etc.) received from them, like other verbs (cf. take away, take, take up, adopt, embrace etc.), the 'insertion' n and became to sound you- take out - take out. Then the verb take out as a perfect form has been subjected to the influence of verbs like to knock, to move, to throw etc. and it received as a result the modern sound and structure: to take out. Therefore it observes not only the process of stem rearrangement, but also the phenomenon of morpheme apposition. Now, in the verb take out (in correlation with the words take out, take away; take away, remove, etc.) the non-derivative stem is in the monophonic form -n-, which is also a form of expression of the suffix of single action (cf. take out, take up, take down, etc.).
Thus, if earlier this word was divided into you-n-ya-t-t (< reveal by analogy with vhnya-ti, remove with replacement of -/- by -n-), now it is already divided into morphemes as follows: you-n-ya-t, i.e. prefix you-, non-derivative base -n- ("alternating" with -nim-, -em-, cf. to take out, to dredge), the single-action suffix -n-, the suffix -u-, acting as a class indicator, similar to -a-, -o-, -e- in the words to call, to collide, to rub, and the infinitive -tъ; the root -n- and suffix -n- overlap, all other morphemes are arranged in the "accepted" linear sequence, one after another.
Thus, the word take out both has the root (if we understand the non-derivative stem as the nucleus of its lexical meaning) and does not have it (if we understand the root as the original "basic" material of the word). Such a peculiar and seemingly paradoxical fact is quite understandable and historically justified.


Got it, thanks!


Reminiscent of Microsoft's journey with the Windows Vista operating system, in which the company implemented only its subjective views of what people needed and how they would work on a computer, without regard to the wishes and needs of others, but the result showed the real balance of power - a complete failure of the operating system, after which the company set up a department dedicated to studying the needs, wishes and other data for the marketability of their product.....

After that study, Windows-7 came along, didn't it? It's like that anecdote... it's like heaven - you hold a beer mug in one hand... with no bottom, the other holding a maiden of heavenly beauty... without...