Errors, bugs, questions - page 670


Is there any plan to redesign the Gann Grid? It is absolutely impossible to use it: neither manually, nor by extremums, like in MT4, can I stretch or fix it properly - when switching from TF to TF, the size of cells changes, there is no fixed binding! Or maybe I do not understand something...



Only metals on Alpari do not display bars and OHLC, all others are fine. Quotes go, orders are placed. I moved the terminal to a new folder, does not help. Where can the error be ? W7 64


Only metals on Alpari do not display bars and OHLC, all others are fine. Quotes go, orders are placed. I moved the terminal to a new folder, does not help. Where can the error be ? W7 64

I have the same problem. I have felt that something has gone wrong on the server. Contact Alpari technical support.

void OnStart()
int symbol2csv(string smb,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES tf)
   int filehandle=FileOpen(smb+"_"+tf2str(tf)+".csv",FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV,",");
      MqlRates rates[];
      int i=0,copyed=CopyRates(smb,tf,From,To,rates);
      FileWrite(filehandle,"\"Date\" \"Time\" \"Open\" \"High\" \"Low\" \"Close\" \"Volume\""); // writing header
      Print(smb+" exported "+IntegerToString(copyed));
      return copyed;
   else Print("FileOpen failure. Error is ",GetLastError());
   return -1;
Why does the Volume column in the file always contain 0? And how do I record the volume?
Why does the Volume column in the file always contain 0? And how to make volume be written?

real_volume for forex instruments?

maybe just try tick_volume for starters


What's the error I can't understand?

Here is the code, reduced to a minimum:

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_plots   1

//---------- MQL5 --------------
int ecx = 0;//-- Кол-во тестируемых пар --

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
   //-- Сколько всего валютных пар --
   ecx = ArraySize(g_s_SymbolsTrade);
   //-- Установить таймер на каждую секунду --
   if (EventSetTimer(1) == false) return(-1);//int 08
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
   EventKillTimer();//timer off
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call

//                           Expert Timer function                            //
void OnTimer()//int 08
static bool b_Flag = false;
string db_SymbolName;
MqlRates rates[];
int edx;

   if (b_Flag == true) return;//ret -- реентерабельность --
   b_Flag = true;//cli
   for (int ebx = 0; ebx < ecx; ebx++){
      db_SymbolName = g_s_SymbolsTrade[ebx];
      if (edx != 1){//cmp edx,1 | jne
         b_Flag = false;//sti
         return;//jne ret;
   }//loop ecx       
   Print ("Загрузка завершена.");
   b_Flag = false;//sti

When I run it, sometimes immediately or after switching a period of charts suddenly terminal starts to slow down and the entire log is clogged with this:

What is the reason, is it my mistake or an error in the function CopyRates ?


What's the reason, is it my fault or an error in the CopyRates function?

Both of them.

Try it this way:

void OnTimer()//int 08
static bool b_Flag = false;
if (b_Flag == true) return;//ret -- реентерабельность --
string db_SymbolName;
MqlRates rates[ ecx];    // поправка здесь.
int edx;

   b_Flag = true;//cli
   for (int ebx = 0; ebx < ecx; ebx++){
      db_SymbolName = g_s_SymbolsTrade[ebx];
      if (edx != 1){//cmp edx,1 | jne
         b_Flag = false;//sti
         return;//jne ret;
   }//loop ecx       
   Print ("Загрузка завершена.");
   b_Flag = false;//sti

Both of them.

Try it like this:

No, unfortunately, it didn't help.

I wrote it in the following way: MqlRates rates[100];

otherwise: MqlRates rates[ecx]; - gives out a compilation error.

I also liked the idea of moving it to the top:

if (b_Flag == true) return;//ret -- reentrancy --

but unfortunately the result is the same.

Any other ideas?

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Структуры данных / Структура исторических данных
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Структуры данных / Структура исторических данных
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Структуры данных / Структура исторических данных - Документация по MQL5

If the number of bars in the terminal in the chart settings is unlimited. Reduce the number of bars.

It only seems to have one bar copied.

So on 25 instruments. I had the same thing on 12 until I reduced the number of bars.

Then it means to servicedesk. The terminal should not exhume all the history from disk symbol by symbol when reading 1 bar.

Even if it's set to unlimited. Caching should be done in a smart way.


Good advice in general. I've been thinking - he says "when switching periods". So the terminal stores everything in minutes, it starts calculating the missing periods, and gets stuck with insufficient memory for buffers.

In short - both are to blame. Push has not bought memory, and wants lots and lots of currency pairs at no limit (or about no limit).

And MQ - not treating it as an indicator error (like "Error XXXX : close your lip, comrade"), but only its own.