Errors, bugs, questions - page 332


What does this have to do with checking for Perev_handle?

And move return(suk) to the last line of the function. After the print

Very sloppy code

What the... typo..., corrected, code-failure why?

In that case, provide the minimum code necessary to reproduce the problem in the form of a script or expert.

Our checks do not reveal the problem. The integer value is written and read correctly.


I've got it! It's a mystery, not a code. People who might need it, here's a working one.

(didn't want to work without bool)

// Читаем что записано;
double ReadPer ()
     Per_handle= FileOpen("per.bin",FILE_READ|FILE_BIN);
        double suk=FileReadDouble(Per_handle);
        Print("ЧИтаем запись Неоткрывается FileIsExist= ",FileIsExist("per.bin",0),"suk=",suk);
     double suk=FileReadDouble(Per_handle);
     Print("ЧИтаем запись...suk=",suk);
     return (suk);
bool WritePer ()
     Per_handle= FileOpen("per.bin", FILE_WRITE|FILE_BIN);
        Print("Записываем Неоткрывается :-) per.bin");
     double raz=SpBuffer[0];
     Print("Записываем ...raz=",raz);

Question: How to disable the timeline, if possible, if this is not possible please ask the developers to enable it.

Seconded. I would like to have this option on the main graph. For example, in the "Graph" object there is such a possibility.
Seconded. I would like to have this option on the main graph. For example, there is such a possibility in the "Graph" object.
У! I need it too!
then the price scale as well. For it is wide and takes up a lot of space...

You just want to make fun of the terminal :)

In all seriousness, if you are a developer, please add time and price display to "Show OHLC" checkbox (or check the new one below).

I still don't understand how the chart will be scaled after these changes, and why not use a simple colour change (as an option).

I personally have another question. Finally, make the two checkboxes "Manual confirmation for Expert Advisors" and "Manual confirmation for DLL" (as it was in MT4).


You just want to make fun of the terminal :)

Seriously, if you are a developer, please make the time and price display follow the "Show OHLC" option.

oops, don't give me those naughty suggestions. you won't be able to pile it up and customise it later.

I still do not understand how the chart will be scaled after these changes and why not use a simple colour change (as an option).

it means you don't need to remove these scales in the windows for information. but for me, for example, they get in the way because they take up empty space for no good reason, especially the price.


Don't give me any of those naughty suggestions. You won't be able to put it all together and configure it later.

1) Why don't you write down the OHLC line yourself?

2) Why didn't you quote the whole sentence, where did you put the parenthesis?

That is not the point, though - it is our job to propose and theirs to refuse :)


You just want to make fun of the terminal :)

Seriously, if you are a developer, please add time and price display to "Show OHLC" checkbox (or check the new one below).

I still don't understand how the chart will be scaled after these changes, and why a simple colour change is not used (as an option).

I personally have another question - finally make the two checkboxes "Manual confirmation for Expert Advisors" and "Manual confirmation for DLL" (as it was in MT4).

Real example:

In red I have marked a place which will not be occupied by anything