Errors, bugs, questions - page 1769

Hello, could you please tell me if it is possible to set the "period separator" in MetaTrader? I just want to be able to see on m5 where the 15, 30 and one-hour candles end, so I don't always have to look at the time, how can I do it?

yes it can be seen

make an indicator that draws vertical lines at the right time


Error in <Math\Stat\Math.mqh>

double QNaN   =Nan(0x7FF7000000000000);   // QNaN
It's not QNaN.

Error in <Math\Stat\Math.mqh>

double QNaN   =Nan(0x7FF7000000000000);   // QNaN
It's not QNaN.
Which long then corresponds to QNaN?
Which long then corresponds to QNaN?

Thank you, more details here

In addition to minus infinity there are plus infinity and NaN (not a number). To determine if a given number is invalid, you can use theMathIsValidNumber() function. According to the IEEE standard they have a special machine representation. For example, plus infinity for type double has a bit representation of 0x7FF0 0000 0000 0000 0000.


struct str1
   double d;
struct str2
   long l;

//--- начнем
   str1 s1;
   str2 s2;
   s1.d=MathArcsin(2.0);        // получим недействительное число -1.#IND
   printf("1.  %f %I64X",s1.d,s2.l);
   s2.l=0xFFFF000000000000;     // недействительное число -1.#QNAN
   printf("2.  %f %I64X",s1.d,s2.l);
   s2.l=0x7FF7000000000000;     // наиобльшее нечисло SNaN
   printf("3.   %f %I64X",s1.d,s2.l);
   s2.l=0x7FF8000000000000;     // наименьшее нечисло QNaN
   printf("4.   %f %I64X",s1.d,s2.l);
   s2.l=0x7FFF000000000000;     // наибольшее нечисло QNaN
   printf("5.   %f %I64X",s1.d,s2.l);
   s2.l=0x7FF0000000000000;     // плюс бесконечность 1.#INF и наименьшее нечисло SNaN
   printf("6.   %f %I64X",s1.d,s2.l);
   s2.l=0xFFF0000000000000;     // минус бесконечность -1.#INF
   printf("7.  %f %I64X",s1.d,s2.l);
   s2.l=0x8000000000000000;     // отрицательный ноль -0.0
   printf("8.  %f %I64X",s1.d,s2.l);
   s2.l=0x3FE0000000000000;     // 0.5
   printf("9.   %f %I64X",s1.d,s2.l);
   s2.l=0x3FF0000000000000;     // 1.0
   printf("10.  %f %I64X",s1.d,s2.l);
   s2.l=0x7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFF;     // наибольшее нормализованное число (MAX_DBL)
   printf("11.  %.16e %I64X",s1.d,s2.l);
   s2.l=0x0010000000000000;     // наименьшее положительное нормализованное (MIN_DBL)
   printf("12.  %.16e %.16I64X",s1.d,s2.l);
   s1.d=0.7;                    // покажем, что число 0.7 – бесконечная дробь
   printf("13.  %.16e %.16I64X",s1.d,s2.l);
1.  -1.#IND00 FFF8000000000000
2.  -1.#QNAN0 FFFF000000000000
3.   1.#SNAN0 7FF7000000000000
4.   1.#QNAN0 7FF8000000000000
5.   1.#QNAN0 7FFF000000000000
6.   1.#INF00 7FF0000000000000
7.  -1.#INF00 FFF0000000000000
8.  -0.000000 8000000000000000
9.   0.500000 3FE0000000000000
10.  1.000000 3FF0000000000000
11.  1.7976931348623157e+308 7FEFFFFFFFFFFFFF
12.  2.2250738585072014e-308 0010000000000000
13.  6.9999999999999996e-001 3FE6666666666666
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Вещественные типы (double, float)
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Вещественные типы (double, float)
Основы языка / Типы данных / Вещественные типы (double, float) - справочник по языку алгоритмического/автоматического трейдинга для MetaTrader 5

like that, there's something similar...

Open the digital signature display. If it's ours, it's a false alarm.
Good day Dear Sirs!!!
Help ... I am installing a freshly written Expert Advisor on optimization and what do you think, this creep is giving me a new result every day. I.e., every day I will lose everything today with the previous settings, with which I could earn yesterday.... I do not touch the settings!!!! How is it possible, and most importantly what to do?
I am waiting for an answer, comments and help!!!!
Thanks in advance!
Good day Dear Sirs!!!
Help me out... I start optimizing my newly created Expert Advisor and it gives me new results every day. I.e. every day I will lose everything today with previous parameters, which I could earn yesterday.... I do not touch the settings!!!! How is it possible, and most importantly what to do?
I am waiting for an answer, comments and help!!!!
Thanks in advance!

It's this way,

and read more here, there's more than you need.

Тестирование экспертов в клиентском терминале MetaTrader 4. Взгляд изнутри
Тестирование экспертов в клиентском терминале MetaTrader 4. Взгляд изнутри
  • 2006.08.13
  • Slawa
Что происходит после нажатия на кнопку "Старт"? В статье дан ответ на этот и многие другие вопросы.

Correct "step" with a capital letter and I would also like to either centre or all to the right or all to the left, otherwise it turns out differently.