Errors, bugs, questions - page 1766

Do you have "Draw object as background" checked? I've noticed that if it's unchecked, the object doesn't disappear. That is, you have to put it on to check.
I checked it and it's not missing. I set the rectangle manually.
Turned it on - it's not missing. I set the rectangle manually.
I see, thank you.
Comments not related to this topic have been moved to "Questions from MQL4 MT4 MetaTrader 4 beginners".

Из экспертов и скриптов ChartScreenShot отрабатывается синхронно, из индикаторов - асинхронно.

I have different observations. And if in previous versions of the terminal it was possible to wait for real unloading of file (i.e. its non-zero length, not just creation) of screenshot created from script/expert - then in 1030 situation is that real unloading happens only after forced closing of created window from the same script.

Application .../servicedesk/91204.

In 1031 the recipe is similar: you need to close Chart and only then will the screenshot file be unloaded.

Mikhail Dovbakh:

I have different observations. And if in previous versions of the terminal it was possible to wait for real unloading of file (i.e. its non-zero length, not just creation) of screenshot created from script/expert - then in 1030 situation is such that real unloading happens only after forced closing of created window from the same script.

Application .../servicedesk/91204.

In 1031 the recipe is similar: you need to close Chart and only then will the screenshot file be unloaded.

And if you want to screenshot the current chart - the one on which the indicator is running? Suppose, you need to display a series of screenshots, scrolling through the chart on the desired dates. What then? It will not create any files at all?
Artyom Trishkin:
What if the current chart is scanned - the one on which the indicator is running? Suppose you need to screen a series of screens, scrolling through the chart on the desired dates. What then? You won't create any files at all?

I haven't checked. You have a track record on this - check it.

I prefer to create a new chart, then load a template (heavy - with a bunch of indicators), update the chart when everything is settled and then make a snapshot and send it to the email.
Then I can easily understand the logic of the open deal ( away from the terminal) from this snapshot...


For MK:

some problems with scaling the chart along the price scale. This action causes the chart to shift up/down abnormally (possibly even disappear completely).


1. Select "fixed scale" in an arbitrary area of the chart. Scale it (click on the price scale and drag up/down).

2. No problems found? Then move to a price section that has a significant price difference with the initial one and scale again.

3. All is well again? Then zoom in, move the screen up or down, zoom out again.

After what has been done, it will be found out that the screen jumps somewhere before each scaling by price. I will not guess about the current scaling algorithm in the terminal (I simply do not understand it, why is it so and who needs it?), but the normal algorithm should be this: if the middle of the screen is currently at the price of 1.5, for example, it must remain there after the start of scaling. Without any price jumps.

zy: it is very inconvenient because of impossibility to copy the time coordinate from the properties window of the graphical object.

For MK:

some problems with scaling the chart along the price scale. This action causes the chart to shift up/down abnormally (possibly even disappear completely).


1. Select "fixed scale" in an arbitrary area of the chart. Scale it (click on the price scale and drag up/down).

2. No problems detected? Then move to a price section that has a significant price difference with the initial one and scale again.

3. All is well again? Then zoom in, move the screen up or down, zoom out again.

After what has been done, it will be found out that the screen jumps somewhere before each scaling by price. I will not speculate about the current algorithm of scaling in the terminal (I simply do not understand it, why is it so and who needs it?), but the normal algorithm should be this: if the middle of the screen is currently at the price of 1.5, for example, it must remain there after the start of scaling. Without any price jumps.

zy: very inconvenient because of impossibility to copy the time coordinate from the properties window of graphical object.
What terminal? What build? What operating system do you use?
Which terminal? Build? What is your operating system?
Mt5 Version: 5.00 build 1495. Linux, wine, x32.
Vivaldi 1.6.689.32 (Official Build) (64 bit)
Версия 841b9a58130b84a3816d42023b714a2127e1e56f
OS Windows
JavaScript V8 5.5.372.32
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.92 Safari/537.36 Vivaldi/1.6.689.32
Command line "C:\Users\vr-vo\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe" --always-authorize-plugins --disable-translate --enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver --ppapi-flash-path="C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\pepflashplayer64_24_0_0_186.dll" --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end
Path to executable file C:\Users\vr-vo\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe
Profile path C:\Users\vr-vo\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\User Data\Default

Compiler MSVC 2015

no bars