Problems with the forum. - page 5


The Profile now allows you to customise the appearance of the forum

Oh, thank you.

Is it also possible to adjust the number of threads in a section on


In the Profile, it is now possible to customise the appearance of the forum

Oof... Thank you so much! I really hope you continue the good tradition of adding custom settings to your tools.

Oh, thank you.

Is it also possible to adjust the number of topics in a section on


I hardly ever go to the home page, but I personally really need (and I don't think I'm the only one) the ability to customize the forum...

Thank you. How little one needs to be happy sometimes...

Collapsing themes works (thank you very much), but selecting the number of themes is not good.

And it does not depend on the minimised/unmolded mode.

ZS Sorry, after re-logging it all worked.

the forum still catches a bug when adding a post to old threads.

the page after adding a post and unread#unread to it

is the same page, but if jumping "normally". There is no last post about StringSplit.

This is the same page, but after forced refreshing by Ctrl+F5


the forum still catches a bug when adding a post to old threads.

Thanks for the heads up. Yes, there is a problem with topics older than 3 months because they are cached tightly.

We'll look into that.


I hardly ever go to the main page, but I personally really need (and I don't think I'm the only one) the ability to customize the forum...

Added customisation option for the forum as well


the forum still catches a bug when adding a post to old threads.

The caching of old topics will be disabled, but the problem with old topics will still occur for a while, as the topics are already sitting in the browser cache.

Use Ctrl+F5 in such cases


The forum engine "catches" keywords/phrases and changes them to links. After editing a post with the link removed the change is not saved, the link remains. What's the point?