Problems with the forum. - page 4


I'm all for the old interface too.

The first thing I did when I came to the forum now was to look in the profile to turn off this new feature...


Yeah, the forum's getting a bit extensive :) It's not just 19" that's not enough, 32" might not even be enough.


I'm all for the old interface too.

The first thing I did when I came to the forum now was to look in the profile to turn off this new feature...

When you will do options for display in the profile, please make in minimized mode to display 10 topics in each section, because 5 is not enough, with activity on the forum sometimes you do not have time and the themes fly unviewed. As a result, you have to go to every section, and to do this is often not convenient.
When you will do options for display in the profile, please make in minimized mode to display 10 topics in each section, because 5 is not enough, with activity on the forum sometimes you do not have time and the themes fly unviewed. As a result have to go to every section, and to do it is often not convenient.
Maybe it would be possible to make a "checkbox" about the "number of displayed topics on the page"?
Maybe it would be possible to make a "checkbox" about the "number of displayed themes on the page"?

There will be settings for display style and number of lines in the profile.

This will be done shortly, once the current tasks have been completed.


In the Profile, it is now possible to customise the appearance of the forum


In the Profile, it is now possible to customise the appearance of the forum

Oh, how cool it has become! 10 concise forum topics and that's it! Thank you!