Wishes for MT5 - page 98


Add multilingual input variable name substitution.

For example:

#property language русский|английский|болгарский

input int x=0;//чудесная переменная//wonderful variable//чудесен променлива
If the preprocessor command does not have a language set in the terminal, use the first substitution.
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные / Input переменные
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные / Input переменные
  • www.mql5.com
Основы языка / Переменные / Input переменные - Документация по MQL5

Add multilingual input variable name substitution.

For example:

If the preprocessor command does not have a language set in the terminal, use the first substitution.
Neat. And realistic for production.
Great offer!
I'll wait for MQ's reply, if they don't have a clear objection, I'll create an application to the BOD.
I'll wait for a reply from MQ, if they don't have clear objections, I'll create an application to the SR.

Then we could use something like a language file, and that would be great.

But it's probably much harder to implement.


Then, if something like a language file could be used, that would be great.

But it would probably be much harder to implement.

I don't see any tasks where such a file would be needed, listing 40 languages (also as an MQ enumeration) in one line is not a problem.

And most often 3, 4 languages will be in demand.


I don't see any tasks where such a file would be needed, it is easy to list 40 languages (also as MQ enumeration) in one line.

And most often there will be a demand for 3, 4 languages.

It is not a fact that a Bulgarian, for example, would want Bulgarian localization, and not a fact that an American would not want Russian localization. The user will be forced to have an OS-dependent localization. And in the case of the files, the user themselves can use the one they like.

In any case, your suggestion is perfect!


It is not certain that a Bulgarian, for example, will want Bulgarian localisation, nor is it certain that an American will not want Russian localisation. The user will be imposed an OS dependent localisation. And in the case of the files, the user will be able to use the one he likes.

In any case - your suggestion is great!

If you are a Bulgarian using English in the client terminal, you may use English interface.

And here is the case, when the user wants to have English in the client terminal and Bulgarian in the ekspas or vice versa seems unlikely to me.

In any case, there is now an even stricter imposition.


1 I didn't quite get your point at first,

2 If the Bulgarian prefers to have English in the terminal, then his eksp parameters will also be in English.

1 I didn't quite get your point at first, then.

2. If exp will select the language that is selected as the localization in the terminal by the user, then yes, the localization files are not needed.