Wishes for MT5 - page 94


1. indicators on the right-hand side of the chart are possible.

2. Signals in MT5 coming soon too

3. Output to CME - all depends on your DC.

4. No price chart outside the terminal

5. What is a symbol heat map?

6. X's and Z's - search the codebase

7. There are no tick charts.

Последний крестовый поход
Последний крестовый поход
  • 2012.03.13
  • Roman Zamozhnyy
  • www.mql5.com
Взгляните в ваш торговый терминал. Какие способы представления цены вы видите? Бары, свечи, линейный. Мы гонимся за временем и ценами, а прибыль нам дает одна цена. Так может стоит посмотреть на рынок лишь только с ценами? В данной статье предложен алгоритм построения пункто-цифровых графиков ("крестики-нолики") и скрипт, позволяющий производить построение данных графиков. Рассмотрены типичные ценовые паттерны и даны рекомендации по их практическому использованию.

Will there be a choice of times in the candlestick plotting terminal?

Interested in the ability to build candlesticks by GMT

They should first get rid of the bugs

Optimal for manual trading offers:

1 No interest in offers from traders. MQ does everything. For programmers. Who can do everything a trader needs.

2 Write directly to the BOD.

3 Make a separate branch - Suggestions for manual trading.

Which one?

The price chart can be stretched horizontally and vertically. Please do the same for the balance chart, it's a bit inconvenient to pick out the areas of interest and retest.

There is now a need to be able to determine programmatically which optimisation/testing mode the user has selected.

At the moment, this is only recorded in the logbook:

No, we will not do that. There is no need for the expert to know this and he should not adjust.
No, we will not do that. The expert does not need to know this and should not adjust.
Indeed, there would be people who would take advantage of it for reasons other than good. So we shouldn't.

I have a proposal to develop mql5.

Introduce additional basic (built-in) data types to help create more usable programs.

I will limit myself to two examples to clarify the idea.


FileName type is synonymous to string type, except for using it as input parameter.


input  FileName  FName="MyFolder\\";

This instruction leads, when user enters the EA parameters, to call the standard Windows dialog of opening file in MQL5\Files\MyFolder\ folder, and then to assign the name of the selected file to the FName variable.

The FontName type is synonymous to string type in the program, except it is used as an input parameter.


input  FontName  BaseFont="MyFont";

leads when user enters parameters of expert to call the standard Windows dialogue of font selection (with the prepared list of fonts actually installed on the computer), and the following fonts selection in BaseFont variable.


The idea can be extended anddeepened, but it's a goodplace to start.

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Тип string
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных / Тип string
  • www.mql5.com
Основы языка / Типы данных / Тип string - Документация по MQL5

I have a proposal to develop mql5.

Introduce additional basic (built-in) data types to help create more usable programs.

I will limit myself to two examples to clarify the idea.

Here's a description:

FileName type, which is synonymous to string type in the program, except for using the type as an input parameter.


Leads to calling of the standard Windows dialog of opening a file in the MQL5\Files\MyFolder\ folder when user enters the expert parameters, and following definition of the selected file name in the FName variable.

The FontName type is synonymous to string type in the program, except for the use of the type as an input parameter.


leads, when user enters the expert parameters, to call the standard Windows font selection dialog (with the prepared list of fonts actually installed on the computer), and the subsequent binding of the selected font name to the BaseFont variable.


The idea can be extended anddeepened, but it's a goodplace to start.

Why bother creating new types? IMHO, it suffices to implement the GetFont and GetFile functions, which return the appropriate string.