Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 39


Hello all!

Please help with advice in this situation:

My self-taught father has created a new system of logic that can be represented by mathematical formulas and used by Artificial Intelligence to gain new knowledge.

For example, from two facts:
1. Some cats don't have tails
2. All mammalian cats
An AI with this kind of logic system can SAY that:

3. Some mammals do not have tails

My father claims that independently deriving new knowledge for AI is the next step after neural networks, only creativity is next.

I would like to start working with some lab/company to test the new algorithm in action and implement it in a real robot, but I myself am far from this field and just want to help my father.

So, respected experts, please advise me where or who can I go to to try out the new algorithm on a real robot?

Your father may well find investors if he demonstrates outstanding discoveries/experiences/achievements together with a high level of knowledge in the field and the ability to develop his ideas. But remember, despite the fact that Smart investors invest in people, not product their ultimate goal is precisely the product, which means that your father should be well-versed in the commercial side of things and provide a business plan. If he is far from that, he can get a job in the development staff of some company where his profession, knowledge and experience will be in demand. So, let him try and don't be discouraged.

Where to try the algorithm? - Where it is written. The choice of IDE and language is up to the developer - where it is most convenient, let him try it there. As for cooperation with the laboratory - if he has a vision - let him go there and work together, the main thing is to meet and inspire people, but do not immediately state the essence (as here) - the ideas are the main asset of the inventor and they can be stolen.)

Good luck.

P.S. Though AI ideas are very hard to steal. Some, perhaps, are almost impossible.)

Valeriy Yastremskiy:
Head of department Maksut Shadaev.

downward no data

Since there is no down, look to the side.



Personally, my opinion (you can tell your father) is that developers, along with traders, are by nature very deceptive people and most of all, they deceive themselves. That's why everyone is sure of the genius of their ideas and shakes for them, as for a treasure chest. From what you say, your father has not yet tried out the algorithm, but believes that the mathematical representation of logic is the key to next generation AI. Trust me, it's not. It may be the key to one of thousands of locks on the gate behind the new AI and it may come in handy one day, but it won't open the gate by itself. Not only are there so many locks, but you have to pick the keys. So, premature jitters, worries and hopes should be held back. Just a word of advice.

With naïve wishes.
Катерина Тихонова стала главой Института искусственного интеллекта МГУ
Катерина Тихонова стала главой Института искусственного интеллекта МГУ
  • РБК
Катерина Тихонова возглавила Институт искусственного интеллекта МГУ. О его создании в прошлом году говорил на совещании с Путиным глава РФПИ Кирилл Дмитриев В МГУ до конца года будет создан Институт перспективных исследований проблем искусственного интеллекта и интеллектуальных систем, сообщают «Ведомости» со ссылкой на презентацию ректора...

What can I say.... I hope she does better than Boyko in medicine))) But I can't be sure.

In essence, human logic is simply the connections we know about objects. Some are axiomatic, some are associative, some are structural and so on... Only a small part of human logic can be represented mathematically. For example, there is no direct associative link between different objects unless a situation connects them by creating a logical chain. For instance: forest, fire, tent, night, wolves. These objects have a logical connection in the field of personal experience, but they are not connected in a structural or associative way, while together they produce a lot of logical conclusions. If you are in the forest at night by the fire, you may see the burning eyes of wolves over the edge of the tent. Is there logic here? Yes. It comes from experience. And how does mathematics deal with the task of constructing such logic?
Mathematically you would get something like "if there are wolves in the forest tent, it's night in the fire. Makes sense.))

In short, without human experience normal logic cannot be algorithmized and everything will be reduced to meaningless neural network learning from books. Futile, because such logic has a statistical basis, as if to imagine an individual who has spent his whole life sitting in the dark in a black room and memorizing repetitions of words in countless literary volumes. He would probably be a lousy conversationalist.
It seems that Artificial Intelligence will not create new professions - it will destroy them consistently and irrevocably. What will become of the world?

Realistic and thoughtful predictions are interesting.
Unconditional basic income.
Реter Konow:
It seems that the Artificial Intelligence will not create new professions - it will destroy them consistently and irrevocably. And what will become of the world?

Real and considered predictions are interesting.

It might be worth looking back in history. Once upon a time everyone ploughed the field, and if you tell them about factories - what will become of their world, what will people do? .... There will always be work, it's called service.