Artificial Intelligence 2020 - is there progress? - page 33

An AI, like a mirror, does not have to ACTUALLY have self-awareness, it is enough to imitate it well. And with feelings as well - just imitation is fine.)
Реter Konow:
An AI, like a mirror, does not have to ACTUALLY have self-awareness, it is enough to imitate it well. And with feelings as well - a mere imitation will do.)

Well, philosophy is philosophy. What if the AI does realise better and, on the basis of that realisation, charges someone who is just philosophising?

Vitaliy Maznev:

Well, philosophy is philosophy. But what if the AI does realise better and on the basis of that realisation charges someone who is just philosophising?

Charge him with what?) A bill? ))))

Again, AI is a MIRROR (imitation) of human consciousness and thinking and nothing more. It has no "mission" of its own and cannot be. It is a creation of human hands, not of God. imho of course)))
Реter Konow:

Present what?) A bill? ))))

It depends a lot on the respondent. I can see that many people don't get into what's going on around them. And if they are charged like this, they would rather masochistically not be touched

Реter Konow:
I repeat, AI is a mirror (imitation) of human consciousness and thinking and nothing more. It has no "mission" of its own and cannot be. It is a creation of human hands, not of God. imho of course)))

How well did you know this mirror in the first place?

Vitaliy Maznev:

And you originally what is this mirror well known from?

Of course I do. Look at the history of art - people have been painting the world and themselves (creating a mirror) since ancient times. Now, in the age of high technology, they digitize the world and ....(drumroll) - themselves.)

Реter Konow:

Of course. Look at the history of art - people have been painting the world and themselves (creating a mirror) since ancient times. Now, in the age of high technology, they are digitising the world and ....(drum roll) - themselves.)

Who won, Peter?

Реter Konow:

Of course. Look at the history of art - people have been painting the world and themselves (creating a mirror) since ancient times. Now, in the age of high technology, they digitize the world and ....(drum roll) - themselves.)

I could of course give examples and argue, but decided not to

Vitaliy Maznev:

I could of course give examples and argue, but I decided not to

And most importantly, it's not like I'm claiming that machine intelligence isn't possible. I was saying that the current technology will not allow it until it solves the problems I mentioned. There was also a talk about the Chinese, I know they are working in that direction. But until machines pass Tureign's test, they are generalizing algorithms, but as soon as they will pass it, they will be intellectuals. Any questions?