1200 subscribers!!! - page 54

Vasiliy Pushkaryov:

Here we have a new topper.

Although his indicators, in my opinion, have been better for a long time. For the last two years his monthly increment has been in double digits, while his drawdown has not exceeded 10%. So, congratulations are in order. And almost to the subject of the branch. Who thinks the end of the month will get 1200 subscribers?

Did you look at the reviews? Tremendous...

This is a scalper-crook with profits sometimes less than spread + slippage of subscribers, how did he get such an increase?

Vitalie Postolache:

Have you looked at the reviews? That's too bad...

Scalper-cropper with profits sometimes less than spread + slippage in subscribers, how did he even get such an increase...

No, I didn't. I don't know if it's true, on the last page half of his reviews have one star. Although his description says it's a scalper.

The increment apparently counts from the last balance. Like, deposited at 100, then withdrew at some point to 50 and already the gain will be from this amount is counted. I'll have to check it sometime.

And the indicators look nice. It would be good if people could check about a month's signal from a demo account, for example. A couple of hours ago there were 1178 subscribers and now there are 1165. Taras also has an outflow of subscribers. People are disappointed in the service.

Vasiliy Pushkaryov:

No, I haven't. So really, on the last page half of the reviews have one star. Although it says in the description that it is a scalper.

The increment apparently counts from the last balance. Like, deposited at 100, then withdrew at some point to 50 and already the gain will be from this amount is counted. I'll have to check it sometime.

And the indicators look nice. It would be good if people could check the signal for example from a demo account. A couple of hours ago I had 1178 subscribers and now I have 1165. Taras also has an outflow. They are disappointed in the service.

You should not be disappointed in the service, the service worked fine.

~3000 accounts were dragged through the network by one account.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

It's not the service that you should be disappointed in, the service worked perfectly...

This is exactly what is not clear. One of the reviews on the signal that the new first in the top:

"Explain to me please... How can it be that one broker, one VPS, and transaction time is different from your report more than 60s with corresponding wildly huge pips! Judging by previous reviews the problem is not new, but does not find proper understanding.

If everything is so as the subscriber writes, then what is the rating formula that allows such signals to go to the top, it's a pure setup.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

This is exactly what is not clear. One of the reviews on the signal that the new one is the first in the top:

If everything is as the subscriber writes, then what is the rating formula that allows such signals to go to the top - it's a pure setup.

The reviews are counted by number, most likely.

It seems to me that they are not taken into account,

If there are subscribers, it means that the signal suits them, they vote with their money.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

it's not the service you should be disappointed in, the service worked great

~3000 invoices were pulled by one invoice through the network.

If everything is left unchanged, 3000 will turn into 2000, then into 1000, etc. Above I asked a question about the achievement of 1200. Now I have come across on my screenshot from Saturday, you can compare with today. The date is on the screenshot in the lower right corner. In 2 days, about 240 people have unsubscribed from today's two top signals.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

feedback by number is likely to be counted.

And it seems to me they don't count at all,

As long as there are subscribers, it means that the signal suits them.

My point is this.

If, as they write in reviews, "scalper + martin" instead of "plus" 10% gives "minus" 10% when copying, it means that the signal does not fit the service.

And the service must take it into account. For example, it should not allow 1-point scalper to subscribe, not to sign accounts of different brokers than provider's broker, etc.

I.e. if this is the case, as described in reviews (not in one review) - then it is more a problem of the service than of the Provider and Subscribers.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

That is what I mean.

Just if, as they write in the reviews, "scalper + martin" instead of "plus" 10% give "minus" 10% when copying, it means that the signal does not fit the service.

And the service should take it into account, for example not to allow one-point scalper for subscription, not to subscribe to accounts of brokers different from provider's broker, etc.

In other words, if the situation is as described in reviews (not in one review) - the service has more problems than providers and subscribers.

however, 1,000+ subscribers are fine with it.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
however, 1000+ subscribers are fine with it.

You know how people sign up - you sign up, then you figure it out and "karoul".

Not only will there be such problems with copying - the subscriber may not know - but the service cannot not know and must take action, as it is its area of responsibility.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

You know how people sign up -- you sign up, then you get it right and "awwww".

Not only will there be such problems with copying -- the subscriber may not know -- but the service cannot but know and must take action, since this is its area of responsibility.

Look at the slippage tab.

and the problem could be on the subscriber side, bad connection, a big ping to the server, there could be a bunch of problems on the subscriber side.