1200 subscribers!!! - page 60

Yuriy Zaytsev:
Good web-site, very interesting!

That's right, you should be jealous of good people ))

And you can post cats, very useful thread.

Sergey Basov:

That's right, one should envy the good people )))

And you can post cats, it's very useful.

Maybe in my next life I wouldn't mind to be such a happy and rich cat.

Cats are the masters of life, not those who bring food and money into the house, judging by the photo it is so.

Sergey Basov:

And you can also post cats, a very useful thread.

That's right -- only cats and foxes -- as in the classics -- Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox.

As Hazanov once said in one of the humoresques: "Quorum is intact. Said the Pigeon Wolf, bolting the gate of the sheepfold.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

One thing I don't understand is why sit on a signal if it makes a loss.

Either there are 1000 morons, or this thousand still get a profit.

I don't know what to do with it - one of the reviews:

-$430 this month in losses
-$30 for a bunch of excuses and unannounced strategy testing signal service
we deserve a discount for april because of your bad performance this month...

-$430 this month in losses
-$30 for a bunch of excuses.
we deserve a discount for april because of your bad performance this month ...

-- They have losses, they are not satisfied with the signal but they want to get the discount for the next month
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

and there's something about it -- one of the reviews:

-$430 this month in losses
-$30 for a bunch of excuses and unannounced strategy testing signal service
we deserve a discount for april because of your bad performance this month...

-$430 this month in losses
-$30 for a bunch of excuses.
we deserve a discount for april because of your poor performance this month ...

-- they have losses, they're not satisfied with the signal, but they ask for a discount for the next month
So i guess i'm still 1000 morons.)
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

and there is something about it -- one of the reviews:

-$430 this month in losses
-$30 for a bunch of excuses and unannounced strategy testing signal service
we deserve a discount for april because of your bad performance this month...

-$430 this month in losses
-$30 for a bunch of excuses.
we deserve a discount for april because of your poor performance this month ...

-- they have losses, they're not satisfied with the signal, but they ask for a discount for next month

Need a new thread? "How to drain deposits without losing subscribers?" ))))
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
So there are 1000 morons after all )

By the way, there is more than one similar review there - this is just the last one I posted
Sergey Basov:

Apparently someone as a child was not taught that miracles do not happen, and a pumpkin in a carriage usually does not turn at midnight ))

Only the other way around, the carriage turned into a pumpkin at midnight.

I think a lot of people will have a lot of fun watching it, even on repeat:

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

-- Losses, not happy with the signal, but asking for a discount for the next month

Trading psychology, 1st class.

All survive the drawdown and hope to get back.

If you do not know how to use these signals, you cannot say "yes" to them.

Andrey Khatimlianski:

The psychology of trading, 1st grade.

Everyone is sitting through a drawdown and hoping to win it back.

Professionals do not sign up for signals just like that, stupidly.

Yeah -- and understand the current drawdown as an unfortunate coincidence, rather than a logical consequence of a trading strategy.

Here is one of the reviews:

Of course, now we are still in a drawdown, but maybe we should close unprofitable positions and trade like before?