Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 3591

mytarmailS #:
Imho... fundamental analysis is lagged analysis, in my paradigm it is SMA analysis. Real trades move the market, and fundamental is distant indirect triggers with incomprehensible power and incomprehensible lag. Why alanlise it if there is a price? In general my opinion (which nobody asked) I do not believe in the successful application of fundamentals

Imho, it is better not to contrast them, but to try to combine them in a meaningful and useful way. Fundamentals and the theories around them are also some kind of price information. Imho, it's better to use that information directly rather than hoping the MO algorithm will pull it out of prices on its own.

Also no more than an opinion. Well and also from a psychological point of view it is useful for feeling that you partially understand the logic of the market structure) Anything is better than conspiracy nonsense about rockfellers-reptiloids, your brains will be safer).

Somewhere long ago I saw a signal, it was written that it was based on fundamental analysis, by hand. One trade per month. The gain was something in the region of 10000% for several years, all trades in the plus.
Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
Somewhere long ago I saw a signal, it was written that it was based on fundamental analysis, by hand. One trade per month. The growth was something in the region of 10000% for several years, all deals were in plus.
Now there are no such signals. I searched the signals by the word "fundamental". Total about 30 pieces, more than half of them are in minus, those in plus with recovery factor about one. Relatively decent two or three.