Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 3331

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

Still, the microcosm is a theorist, and the macrocosm is a matstat based on this theorist. It is impossible to understand it intuitively, as in good old physics, "shut up and calculate" say current physicists. Nature has not built into man Kantian a priori mechanisms of cognition of probability, so intuition does not work there at all.

But it does not prevent separate organisms to invent their own "intuitive physics") Rather even on the contrary - it helps, because the field of activity is pure (it is impossible to make quantum-mechanics intuitive), and masses need intuitive picture of reality.

Which can be chewed every day like gum, broadcasting to TV or youtube :)

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

Excavations of the ancient temple complex of Göbekli-Tepe have shown the fallacy of this view. Wandering hunter-gatherers for unknown reasons began to build cultic structures, and the emergence of productive economy was only a by-product. By the way, there are no skulls there, as it was pre-ceramic Neolithic.

Ideas rule the world, and the idea of Marxism is a good example of that (although, in itself, the idea is not so good).

and you can formulate the idea of Marxism ?

since it is such a good example :-)

Gentlemen! Aren't you mixing up the topic? It would be good to clean up 2-3 pages from offtopic.
Alexey's article was published an hour ago, read it.
Forester #:
Gentlemen! Aren't you mixing up the topic? It would be good to clean up 2-3 pages from off-topics.
Alexey's article was published an hour ago, read it.

The topic used to be called somewhat differently, it was later renamed by moderators or admins

The topic of MO is much broader, especially recently when technology has become available to the masses. It now includes any human knowledge :)

Forester #:
Gentlemen! Aren't you mixing up the topic? It would be good to clean up 2-3 pages from offtopic.
Alexey's article was published an hour ago, read it.

Above is a question about Marxism, it seems to be off-topic.

An integral part of Marxism is dialectics, which we regularly observe on our quotes: everything seems to be going smoothly, easy to predict, and then bang.... and the depo goes to zero. And because usually 2+2=4, and then 2+2+2 = 20! According to dialectics it is quite possible. For a person familiar with Hegel's dialectics (part of Marxism) such a thing is quite understandable, but a person not familiar with dialectics continues to use TA.

sibirqk #:

As entertainment. I took daily quotes for major pairs over the last twenty years, aligned them by dates, and converted them to one direction against the dollar (e.g. EUR/USD became USD/EUR, etc.). Then transformed the obtained series in the percentage of change in relation to the 200-day muve, so that all had approximately the same scale.

The idea was to try to catch some patterns on the daily chart, let in a small time vicinity (let's say 1-3 days), to use them to determine the direction of trading on a smaller TF, on the corresponding crosses. For example, you noticed by eye, or by MO methods, that in the current vicinity EUR is growing to USD, and AUD on the contrary is decreasing. Accordingly, we launch a bot that looks for an entry point to buy EUR/AUD. And so on.

But unfortunately, imho, again full randomness. The picture shows a piece of charts for illustration.

synchronise the pairs by time

Renat Akhtyamov #:

time synchronise the pairs

They are synchronised. I wrote at the beginning of the post - 'aligned them by date', which is exactly what it means to synchronise the pairs by time.
Ivan Butko #:

The only complaint about Katschik is why he hasn't built anything yet. I don't care if it's in a garage. On the streamers, he could gather the engineers and run. But, no.

That's right, you can't argue with that.

Well, he didn't build it. He's got some magnets on a stick, tickers and tokens from Lenta and a cork floating in a bowl of water.

So don't despair, it'll all work out. His main achievement is that you're now a brain cat.
Maxim Kuznetsov #:

and can you articulate the idea of Marxism?

since it's such a good example :-)

As a philosophical system, Marxism is Hegelianism turned upside down with the replacement of "absolute spirit" with "historical process". Hegelian dogmatism and the claim to universality are adopted without change. One could also say that this is one of the last attempts of realism to survive in the age of victorious nominalism.

The strength of Marxism as an idea is that it justifies the archaisation of consciousness as something good. Therefore, it easily captures the masses who are drawn to the archaic, and for this reason it belongs to the ideas that rule the world.

Forester #:
Gentlemen! Aren't you mixing up the topic? It would be good to clean 2-3 pages from offtopic.
Alexey's article was published an hour ago, read it.
I think we have already discussed his quantisation in due time from all sides. I can only add to what I said before that I am glad for him that it brought him at least $200.