Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 3336


Another funny fact, I was thinking, apparently this is just the retraining, and decided to see on which indices the class change occurred - I thought that near the end and this is just a good illustration of retraining.

In fact, it turned out like this

On the test sample

It turns out that this first thousand sheets (in the next sequence of adding to the model) are mostly unstable!


On the exam sample

Aleksey Vyazmikin #:

Another fun fact, I was thinking, apparently this is just the retraining, and decided to see on which indices the class change occurred - I thought it was near the end and this is just a good illustration of retraining.

In fact it turned out like this

On the test sample

It turns out that it is the first thousand sheets (in the next sequence of adding to the model) that are mostly unstable!


On a sample

You're counting by bousting, right? There, only the first tree is trained on the labels of the original teacher.
For all other trees, the teacher is the prediction error, i.e. (Y - Pred). And even with eta = 0.1...0.001. The influence of leaves of these trees is insignificant, they only correct. What you have shown (their insignificance).

GPT to teach )

Ok, let's add the Envelopes indicator to our analysis. The Envelopes indicator represents lines above and below a moving average. They are usually at a fixed percentage distance from that moving average.

  1. Envelopes for the last month (November 2023):

    • Let's choose a percentage distance from the moving average.
    • Let's calculate the upper and lower Envelopes lines.
  2. Overall trend using RSI, Bollinger Bands and Envelopes:

    • Let's compare the signals obtained from different indicators.

Also, consider that signals from different indicators can be conflicting and it is important to analyse them together.

Let's continue with calculations and analysis.

Yuriy Vasilyev Envelopes indicator to our analysis. The Envelopes indicator represents lines above and below a moving average. They are usually at a fixed percentage distance from that moving average.
  1. Envelopes for the last month (November 2023):

    • Let's choose a percentage distance from the moving average.
    • Let's calculate the upper and lower Envelopes lines.
  2. Overall trend using RSI, Bollinger Bands and Envelopes:

    • Let's compare the signals obtained from different indicators.

Also, let's take into account that signals from different indicators can be conflicting, and it is important to analyse them together.

Let's continue with calculations and analysis.

Have you tried to submit prices to get a forecast? This kind of thing is practiced in the market, someone has leaked the algorithm, apparently
Forester #:
You're counting boosting, aren't you?

You are quite right, we are talking about CatBoost!

Forester #:
There only the first tree is trained by the labels of the initial teacher.
For all other trees, the teacher is the prediction error, i.e. (Y - Pred).

Indeed, this is what the theory suggests.

Forester #:
Yes also with coefficient eta = 0.1...0.001

The "learning rate" coefficient, at least in CatBoost, is fixed for all trees.

Forester #:
The influence of the leaves of these trees is insignificant, they only correct. Which is what you have shown (their insignificance).

Can you actually explain how the leaf coefficients are arranged in CatBoost?

There are points I don't understand well.

However, I have demonstrated a change in "class" in the leaves, i.e. actually 40% of the leaves appeared to pull the totals the wrong way on the new data.

Aleksey Vyazmikin #:

Can you actually explain how the coefficients are arranged to the leaves in CatBoost?

Would you like me to dig through the CatBoost code and give you the exact answer? I only dig up what I'm interested in. I don't use CatBoost.
This is the first time I've heard of leaf coefficients - what are they?

Tutorial and simple boost code here
Пишем XGBoost с нуля — часть 2: градиентный бустинг
Пишем XGBoost с нуля — часть 2: градиентный бустинг
  • 2019.02.07
Всем привет! В прошлой статье мы разбирались, как устроены решающие деревья, и с нуля реализовали алгоритм построения, попутно оптимизируя и улучшая его. В этой статье мы реализуем алгоритм градиентного бустинга и в конце создадим свой собственный XGBoost. Повествование будет идти по той же схеме: пишем алгоритм, описываем его, в заверешение...
Aleksey Vyazmikin #:

I report that on a separate sample test - 7467, and on exam - 7177, but there is not a small number of leaves with no activations at all - I did not count at once.

This is the distribution of leaves that changed class by their value for the test sample

and this is exam.

And this is the breakdown into classes - there are three of them, the third one is "-1" - no activation.

For the sample train

For test sample

For exam sample

In general, we can see that the leaf weights no longer correspond to the class logic - below is the graph from the test sample - there is no clear vector.

In general, this method approximates anything, but it does not guarantee the quality of predictors.

In general, I assume that the distinct "bars" on the graph above are very similar leaves by place and frequency of activation.

It is difficult to discuss what you do not know. Therefore, I can only be happy for your success. If I had such a method, I would use it :)

My method doesn't give such qualitative results yet, but it parallels well enough.

Have you ever wondered why this happens?


Testing speed of the model exported to naive code (catbust)

EURUSD,H1: total time from login to stop testing 0:00:04.143 (including 0:00:00.031 for history data synchronization)

And exported to ONNX

EURUSD,H1: total time from login to stop testing 0:00:09.539 (including 0:00:00.025 for history data synchronization)

The internals of the two versions of the bot are almost similar, the results are the same.

Forester #:
Would you like me to dig through the catbust code for you and give you an exact answer? I only dig into what I'm interested in. I don't use catbust.

Assumed you knew, but you don't - I didn't think to burden you.

Forester #:
This is the first time I've heard of leaf coefficients - what are they?

Leaf values that are summed to form the Y coordinate of a function.

Greater than or equal to 0.5 in X means the default class is "1" in CatBoost.
mytarmailS #:

Have you ever wondered why this happens?

It's actually an erroneous pattern in the sheet. Therecould be a number of reasons why it's like that.

Or do you have a specific, unambiguous answer?