Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2893

Slowly, step by step, TEN TIMES FOR TIMES, forum members discover the first and second year programme of any Western financial university....
It's just too complicated for some

Central banks do not have the task of trading. Their task is to keep the economy within certain limits.

It doesn't matter whether it is the Central Bank of Russia or Japan or any other country.

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

Yes, for FNERT the window is incremented and equal to the month number, kind of obvious.

This window surprised me - who here uses such a window in predictors - I think - nobody!

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

It's not complicated there, the P sign means a product.

If you are ready to help - I will try to make all these indicators - let's see how it looks on charts.

Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:
TA at the Central Bank is, of course, funny.
They use a whole system of FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS equations. But in principle most of them can be reduced to "Taylor's rule".

What's so funny, you don't have prufes?

Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:
Slowly, step by step, TEN TIMES FOR TIMES, forum members discover the first and second year programme of any Western financial university.....
It's just too complicated for some

And most importantly, they deny everything...

Aleksey Vyazmikin #:

Can you justify it? Seemed pretty good to me for a general understanding of the issue.

Exactly, general. Nothing more. People have been studying thechanalysis for years, and here super geniuses with diplomas come out and upload fundamental with beautiful trend lines on HRAAFIG to the uninitiated.
Aleksey Vyazmikin #:

If you are ready to help - I will try to make these indicators - let's see how it looks on the charts.

Geometric mean - multiply the array in a loop, and then convert to a degree inverse to the length of the array - pow() function. The main thing is not to confuse doubles with integers: the exponent of the degree is 1.0/n, not 1/n, where n is the length of the array.

One of my respected traders, a real trader.....

Watch the video from start to finish, appreciate the quality of his trading, analyse his signs to make decisions...

Maybe there will be some normal ideas for building signs
mytarmailS #:
One of the traders I respect, a real trader.....

Watch the video from start to finish, evaluate the quality of his trading, analyse his signs to make decisions...
h ttps://

Maybe there will be some normal ideas for building signs

Looked through the whole thing, expecting hints on the principles of defining levels. Expectations were not met.

PS. Someone from the local community also watched it recently and left a meaningless comment).

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

PS. Someone local to your tip recently watched it too and left a pointless comment)

Yeah, really )))).
And if we compare the time, it turns out that this miracle did not watch a minute, as the comment was written immediately after my post, and the video goes on for 30 min....

He's broadcasting too,
sometimes people ask him, "Why such a short stop? What's the use?"

They can be clinically insane....

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

Watched the whole thing, expecting hints on the principles of level setting. Expectations were not met.

He has many, very many videos...
He teaches his TS for money, that's why he doesn't give direct algorithms of actions in his videos...

But some general principles are clear

1. Use levels
2. Entry point with a small stop.
3. no stochastics, returns, etc., only price.
4. You should wait for the deal, not trade everything in a row

Builders of MO algorithms, including me, when building their AMO almost always violate all 4 above described points.....
Something to think about