Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 3079

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

No, it's just unpleasant to read when they misspell a word. And cheap NLP doesn't come into it :)

I sympathise and even apologise - I don't write with mistakes on purpose - I correct everything that is underlined. Probably a form of dyslexia, I'm working on it.

No conscious NLP there - it's just emotion.


AI masters, the phone is pre-top, the moon is just kapets, in real life it is extremely sharp, AI camera made it like a crescent moon) visually there is a new moon, very beautiful.

Aleksey Vyazmikin #:
how do you measure feasibility?

The following approach can be used to measure the value of time spent versus success:

  1. Define success criteria: Clearly define what counts as success in your case. This could be specific results, fulfilment of tasks or achievement of certain indicators.
  2. Record time spent: Record how much time you spend on each task or activity that leads to success. This can be done with a timer, a time tracking app, or simply by recording time manually.
  3. Evaluate Results: After completing a task or achieving success, evaluate the results. Compare them to your success criteria to determine how successfully you achieved your goals.
  4. Calculate the ratio of time spent to success: To do this, divide the time spent by the success achieved. For example, if you spent 100 hours on a task and achieved 5% success, the ratio would be 100 / 0.05 = 2000 or 10 hours on a task and achieved 80% success, the ratio would be 10 / 0.8 = 12.5. The smaller the number, the more appropriate the time spent.
  5. Analyse and optimise: Based on your findings, analyse which tasks or activities make the most sense in terms of time spent and success. Determine how you can optimise your processes to improve your time spent to success ratio.
This approach can be adapted for different situations and goals, and can be used to determine how effectively you are spending your time to achieve success.
Lilita Bogachkova #:

The following approach can be used to measure the appropriateness of time spent versus achieving success:

  1. Define success criteria: Clearly define what counts as success in your case. This could be specific results, completion of tasks or achievement of certain indicators.
  2. Record time spent: Record how much time you spend on each task or activity that leads to success. This can be done with a timer, a time tracking app, or simply by recording time manually.
  3. Evaluate Results: After completing a task or achieving success, evaluate the results. Compare them to your success criteria to determine how successfully you achieved your goals.
  4. Calculate the ratio of time spent to success: To do this, divide the time spent by the success achieved. For example, if you spent 100 hours on a task and achieved 5% success, the ratio would be 100 / 0.05 = 2000 or 10 hours on a task and achieved 80% success, the ratio would be 10 / 0.8 = 12.5. The smaller the number, the more appropriate the time spent.
  5. Analyse and optimise: Based on your findings, analyse which tasks or activities make the most sense in terms of time spent and success. Determine how you can optimise your processes to improve your time spent to success ratio.
This approach can be adapted for different situations and goals, and can be used to determine how effectively you are spending your time to achieve success.

So I asked you the question as you did the math - why would I write about the methodology suggested by GPT?

Lilita Bogachkova #:

The following approach can be used to measure the appropriateness of time spent versus achieving success:

  1. Define success criteria: Clearly define what counts as success in your case. This could be specific results, completion of tasks or achievement of certain indicators.
  2. Record time spent: Record how much time you spend on each task or activity that leads to success. This can be done with a timer, a time tracking app, or simply by recording time manually.
  3. Evaluate Results: After completing a task or achieving success, evaluate the results. Compare them to your success criteria to determine how successfully you achieved your goals.
  4. Calculate the ratio of time spent to success: To do this, divide the time spent by the success achieved. For example, if you spent 100 hours on a task and achieved 5% success, the ratio would be 100 / 0.05 = 2000 or 10 hours on a task and achieved 80% success, the ratio would be 10 / 0.8 = 12.5. The smaller the number, the more appropriate the time spent.
  5. Analyse and optimise: Based on your findings, analyse which tasks or activities make the most sense in terms of time spent and success. Determine how you can optimise your processes to improve your time spent to success ratio.
This approach can be adapted for different situations and goals, and can be used to determine how effectively you are spending your time to achieve success.

The most effective method would be: not to learn, but to simply trade tomatoes on the market at 300% profit )))))

Forester #:

The most effective on this method will be: not to learn, and just trade tomatoes on the market with 300% profit ))))

But undoubtedly profitable, if the invested money brings 300%, here of course is important and the speed of circulation of money. For example, a product with the circulation of money at least 4 times a week with a profit of 300%, before taxes, brings 1200% per month. If someone doubts the 300% markup, I can reassure them, in Latvia it is an average markup in cafes, where ordinary people eat.

Aleksey Vyazmikin #:

So I asked you the question as you calculated - why would I write about the methodology suggested by GPT?

Do you know of a better way to realise the value of your time?


Lilitha, today is a special day, a heightened day.

Some people have really stood out here today, and me, too.

Lilita Bogachkova #:

Do you know the best way to realise the value of your time?

Why can't you answer substantive questions?

Besides, what you have copied and written there implies that there is already a solution and there is an evaluation of the feasibility of further work in this direction.

You can't make any assessments about an unexplored area - you need to analyse at least 5% of the given indicators in order to talk about the feasibility of continuing work.

However, I proceed from the potential value, which may be high. Suppose we manage to find a very good indicator, which gives an immediate increase in accuracy and completeness of classification for a number of targets. This means that it will allow making money with trading. How much it will allow - this is a separate question, and it depends on both personal condition and the way of realising the potential.

Instead of thinking about the complexity and impossibility, it is better to think about how to make it possible with less effort and time. I have some ideas about this.

Aleksey Vyazmikin #:

Why can't you answer the substance of the questions posed?

Besides, what you have copied and written there implies that there is already a decision and there is an assessment of the feasibility of further work in this direction.

You can't give any assessments about an unexplored area - you need to analyse at least 5% of the given indicators in order to talk about the expediency of continuing work.

However, I proceed from the potential value, which may be high. Suppose we manage to find a very good indicator that gives an immediate increase in accuracy and completeness of classification for a number of targets. This means that it will allow making money with trading. How much it will allow - this is a separate question, and it depends on both personal condition and the way of realising the potential.

Instead of thinking about the complexity and impossibility, it is better to think about how to make it possible with less effort and time. I have some ideas about this.

If I understood you correctly, you think that there are hidden diamonds in the CodeBase archive that traders just don't see? And you want to sift them out with ML?

If it is so, why think that those who wrote and published these indicators have not already shown them at their best?

By this I mean that you don't need to look for indicators, but you can look for original ideas.