Market Product rating calculation now includes description quality - page 17

Eleni Anna Branou #:

Bringing in traffic it will help, I guess.

Rating must have some connection with page views.

Tried, but I think page views is not taken into consideration, otherwise one will just buy high traffic and go on first page directly.
I agree to the fact that are many rules involved, and like the way it is.
Davide Marrone #:
Tried, but I think page views is not taken into consideration, otherwise one will just buy high traffic and go on first page directly.
I agree to the fact that are many rules involved, and like the way it is.

Something like this , sorta , could be taking place in the calculation :





And there's definately a momentum calculation chipping in there

From my observation, the products are ranked via some kind of a time and momentum logic:

- when you publish, you are receiving some "good" rating based on the logo and descriptions. 

- Buyes, views, Demos, etc are taken into consideration

- if the EA fails to hit some target sell metric before let's say 3 weeks, its rating drops.

This is just an impression. My first product received rating of 400, then it dropped to 1400. My second product received a rating of 9000 from the start. Maybe it will go up in the next few days. Maybe not. :( 


I'm also struggling with this I got this "Bad Description" and it got lowered down.. what's strange is I haven't changed anything major only some text updates here and there, and it has had months same description and style and all.. why suddenly lower it now?

I noticed that my youtube video was in wrong place (as a link in description), and also to be sure I cleared/removed all HTML styles.. but still after waiting for days, I have "Bad description".. I have been reading all these rules, but no idea what else I need to do, Metaquotes just pointed me to this thread.. but i'm getting nowhere with it..

Meelis Hynninen #:

Maybe the description is not the problem and because of some sale you had a good rating and after several days it automatically drops and coincided with your change of description.

Also note that not having the description in all available languages is penalised. Work on that.

Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:

Maybe the description is not the problem and because of some sale you had a good rating and after several days it automatically drops and coincided with your change of description.

Also note that not having the description in all available languages is penalised. Work on that.

Yea I was actually following the rating, I got a few sales and 5 star review almost on a same day, and momentarely it was in top 10 utilities in like 1-2 days from that or smth.. and right after that like on a next day it got this "Product rating lowered for bad description" and it got lowered down.. why now why not before.. 

About translation. MQL5 already automatically translates it to all langues here

So what's the point of filling translations myself? Do I just copy it from there to product translations.. kind of a silly, also app is in english, not sure why these even exist.. as if someone does not understand english, he will not understand the app.. 

EDIT: also imagine now modifiying your description, you need to modify in all 15 languages, and still I'm not geting why you need to fill translations yourself if MQL5 website translates it automatically..

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Meelis Hynninen #:

Yea I was actually following the rating, I got a few sales and 5 star review almost on a same day, and momentarely it was in top 10 utilities in like 1-2 days from that or smth.. and right after that like on a next day it got this "Product rating lowered for bad description" and it got lowered down.. why now why not before.. 

About translation. MQL5 already automatically translates it to all langues here

So what's the point of filling translations myself? Do I just copy it from there to product translations.. kind of a silly, also app is in english, not sure why these even exist.. as if someone does not understand english, he will not understand the app.. 

EDIT: also imagine now modifiying your description, you need to modify in all 15 languages, and still I'm not geting why you need to fill translations yourself if MQL5 website translates it automatically..

The aim is to make it easy for the customer to avoid having to translate the description, and many people are unaware that automatic translation as you have shown in the image is possible.

However, it is not something you are obliged to do. You asked how to make the rating good and I have shown you how to do it. I don't intend to make a discussion out of it. Just take it or leave it. It's the rules and how it works.

Have a good weekend!

Meelis Hynninen #:

Yea I was actually following the rating, I got a few sales and 5 star review almost on a same day, and momentarely it was in top 10 utilities in like 1-2 days from that or smth.. and right after that like on a next day it got this "Product rating lowered for bad description" and it got lowered down.. why now why not before.. 

About translation. MQL5 already automatically translates it to all langues here

So what's the point of filling translations myself? Do I just copy it from there to product translations.. kind of a silly, also app is in english, not sure why these even exist.. as if someone does not understand english, he will not understand the app.. 

EDIT: also imagine now modifiying your description, you need to modify in all 15 languages, and still I'm not geting why you need to fill translations yourself if MQL5 website translates it automatically..

Translations will result to more traffic to your products as well . 

That is what they are rewarding with that mechanism . 

You gain more visits , they gain more visits too . 

win win

Meelis Hynninen #:

But automatic translation already works in MQL5, what is the point of copying text from MQL5 automatic translation to product "manual" translation fields if MQL5 already automatically translates, like you can see from my image, if you press those button in a product and no "manual" translations filled it is already translated automatically.. so what is the point filling manually product translations? But thanks anyway I can just copy the automatic translation texts to product "manual translations" fields, I'm just wondering what is the point? It makes no sense lol.

Also now whenever I change my english description I can just copy texts from mql5 automatic translations again to all 15 languages, but whats the point if those buttons already translate it?

Indexing in search engines.


I have figured it out, the  most important metric that will move you up the rankings is is sales only.

The description rules are not too important.

I see clear description flags on products on the 1st page.

Also I noticed products released approximately around the same time as mine, were on pages 1-5 with single digit demo downloads. 

I think seller reputation is definitely in the algorithm.

However most products released at the same time as mine remain low ranked around #10900 on the last pages.

I have 4 paid products ranked around #10,950 level  and 1 demo ranked #1070 (highest #950).

I have never had a warning about my descriptions. I have translated to all languages for all paid and free products.

The paid products have had the same ranking since inception.

Views do not improve ranking, I ran an experiment ; I used google Ads on 1 product, that did not change rating.

I reduced the price by 75% on 1 product for 36 hours - no change in ranking. I will leave it at that price for a couple more days.

The product with the most Demo downloads, does not have a better ranking.

My Free product did move up the ratings and was highlighted in green for  'good description and translation into other languages' . It was on page 10 on MT5 experts.