Market Product rating calculation now includes description quality - page 15

Hashimoto Takuma #:

Hello, I finally found the reason why the warning still remained.

When I remove the link of the signal which was inactive, the rating turns improved ! .

Apparently we have to be careful whether the signal is working properly or not.

Hmm , makes sense . Thanks for the info


I recently published an expert named "Deer Ma" and I do like many to this wonderful "bad description" which put my robot directly on the last place in the 9000 ranks. To deal with it, I cleaned up the styles, bolded only the titles, improved the quality of the images, modified the value sentences, translated into 4 different languages, paid attention to every rule and read the whole topic plus others, asked sellers who had this problem what could be wrong with my description but still nothing. The last changes were made more than 24 hours ago.... Does anyone have any idea what is wrong with my description? Thank you.
Esteban Thevenon #:

I recently published an expert named "Deer Ma" and I do like many to this wonderful "bad description" which put my robot directly on the last place in the 9000 ranks. To deal with it, I cleaned up the styles, bolded only the titles, improved the quality of the images, modified the value sentences, translated into 4 different languages, paid attention to every rule and read the whole topic plus others, asked sellers who had this problem what could be wrong with my description but still nothing. The last changes were made more than 24 hours ago.... Does anyone have any idea what is wrong with my description? Thank you.

Your description has too many bullets, try using larger paragraphs than bullets.

Also complete the translation to all available languages, that will help too.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

Your description has too many bullets, try using larger paragraphs than bullets.

Also complete the translation to all available languages, that will help too.

It was a list of parameters with their explanations so not great in long paragraphs for customers :/ I put them on a blog instead, thank you very much ^^ I hope it will work

I also deleted the gif but still no changes, someone has another idea please ?
Esteban Thevenon #: I also deleted the gif but still no changes, someone has another idea please ?

The ranking and it's colour status (green, neutral, red) is only updated once per day. Any changes made will only be reflected in the ranking up to 24 hours later.

Fernando Carreiro #:

The ranking and it's colour status (green, neutral, red) is only updated once per day. Any changes made will only be reflected in the ranking up to 24 hours later.

As you can see in the messages it was well 24h ago and the grade change since 

Esteban Thevenon #: As you can see in the messages it was well 24h ago and the grade change since 

It will only become "green" if you translate to ALL languages and have no other problems. If you have less languages, it will be "neutral" at best.

However, even if it does change colour to "neutral" or "green", the ranking will not change much and will only improve over time as the number of demo downloads increase.


All my other products are neutral with 2 languages and i would like at least the same for this one. 

I know for the ranking and i know too that if my product was put as much in the background contrary to my other products that are not worst or better, it's because of this bad description but impossible to fin what is the problem of it :/

Esteban Thevenon #: All my other products are neutral with 2 languages and i would like at least the same for this one. I know for the ranking and i know too that if my product was put as much in the background contrary to my other products that are not worst or better, it's because of this bad description but impossible to fin what is the problem of it :/

I will discuss here a recent experience I had which is similar in some ways and might be of help to you.

Usually when I publish a product, I do it for the experimentation, so I don’t really take it seriously, so I only write a description in two languages, English and Portuguese, and only write a one or two short paragraphs (just enough for the minimum of 300 characters, because I’m lazy).

But a few days ago, I published a paid product with a long English description only, but no other languages (because I was too lazy to write it in Portuguese as well).

The result was that I got a very low rank, and it got the “red” marking. To fix it, I then wrote the Portuguese text, but even after the 24 hours it was still “red”.

So, I deleted all my original text and wrote a simple small description for English and Portuguese (again just to have the minimum 300 characters).

24 hours later, the “red” became "neutral", but the ranking stayed the same. So, I then made the google translation for all the other languages that I don’t speak.

Yet another 24 hours, and it turned “green” but the rank stayed the same again. So, I experimented further and made the product free instead of paid.

After another 24 hours, the ranking shot up to the top of my products (because it had collect several downloads), which brings us to today, where I made the product paid again, and only tomorrow will I know what affect it will have on the ranking.

UPDATE: Bad news! The ranking after changing back to paid went back to what it was was originally, all the way at the very low end, almost like it remembered the first values. The moral of the story is, that if you don't do right from the very start, then you will be permanently penalised by it.