Market Product rating calculation now includes description quality


We have updated Market rules regarding product descriptions more than two months ago. Sellers have had enough time to correct their product descriptions:

  • To remove excessive styles, icons, and emojis
  • To remove links leading to third-party resources
  • To add links to built-in chats instead of third-party messengers
  • further product presentation improvements

Now, all products with poor descriptions will automatically lose their rating points.

Below are examples of two products whose ratings have already dropped:

Example #1

An example of a poorly designed product description

  1. Numerous emojis
  2. A Telegram link instead of MQL5 chats
  3. A YouTube link which should have been placed not in the descriptions, but in a special video box in the Screenshots section
  4. Different styles applied to large text blocks
  5. No list formatting where it should be

Fix the errors, split the text into logical blocks, and get a much better description:

Example of a revised product description

Example #2

In this case, you'd need to scroll the page down to get to some meaningful description.

An example of a poorly designed product description

  1. Emojis make the description annoying
  2. Huge headlines; long phrases in bold
  3. Third-party messenger links instead of MQL5 chats
  4. Different styles applied to large text blocks

Now, when the description has been fixed, users can easily access the main product information:

Example of a revised product description

Revise descriptions to retain your rating

If you've noticed that your product is no longer featured on the first pages of the Market showcase, you should revise its description. Check out the Rules and make sure your product complies with the service requirements:

  1. The Product must not:
    • Include links to third-party resources. All necessary information should be provided on the website: in the Product description, in the comments, or in the "Blogs" section.
    • Include links to Telegram groups or other messengers for Product support. Product support must be provided via the Product comments section or via the messaging system which supports group chats and channels.
    • Use intrusive features and ads. In particular:
      • Pop-up windows and alerts containing ads or unnecessary information at the program start,
      • Custom panels with links to third-party resources, broker affiliate links, etc.,
      • Comments on charts and text labels with sponsored links.

  2. Sellers are not recommended to:
    • Use excessive links in Product descriptions. An exception is made for Signal links demonstrating Product monitoring results.
    • Use excessive text styles in Product descriptions:
      • The Heading style should only be used for headings. It should not be used for the main text or warnings.
      • Do not use bold for large text blocks. Highlight separate short phrases, if necessary. Make sure the description does not contain too much text in bold.
      • Do not use too many Warning blocks.
      • Lists should only be used for clear enumerations. In all other cases use plain text.
      • Do not use long lists. If your Product has a large number of parameters, split them into logical blocks.
      • Do not use special characters, icons or emojis.

    If the Product does not meet the recommendations, its rating will be lowered, and it will be displayed in a worse position in the Market showcase. The Administration does not disclose quantitative parameters used for description evaluation and may remove any Product from the Market showcase without explaining which recommendations have been violated. Sellers are expected to use reasonable judgment in presenting their Products in the Market.

Please note that description changes do not immediately affect the rating. You shouldn't expect an instant rating improvement; check your product position after a few days.

Revise your product descriptions, making them clear and understandable. We strive to improve the Market service convenience for buyers.

Soon descriptions will also be assessed based on HTML code quality

Another aspect which we plan to evaluate in the future is the quality of the source HTML code of product descriptions. Don't worry if you're unfamiliar with HTML. Descriptions written and formatted directly on the site have proper HTML formatting. Usually, issues occur with descriptions pasted from third-party editors, such as Microsoft Word. To fix the formatting of such text, use the 'Clear Styles' option in the editor:

To remove unnecessary formatting markup symbols, select "Clear Styles" in the editor

After that, format the description using standard editor functions. This will produce an acceptable HTML code, which can be viewed by select "HTML" in the editor panel.

You can find a lot of other code styling services on the web by typing 'HTML formatting' in a search query. Such services find errors, remove unnecessary elements and structure the code, making it pretty and readable.

Improve your product descriptions to attract more buyers!


  • To add links to built-in chats instead of third-party messengers

A link to mql5 blog is still allowed?

Remind we have only 3600 letters for description which is not enough for a manual of a complex product.

Bernhard Schweigert:

A link to mql5 blog is still allowed?

Remind we have only 3600 letters for description which is not enough for a manual of a complex product.

Read the text point 8:

The Product must not:
  • Include links to third-party resources. All necessary information should be provided on the website: in the Product description, in the comments, or in the "Blogs" section.
In the comments (on of the product) and/or the blog section (of the author on should be enough space.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

The rating of products in the Market now takes into account the quality of the description

Renat Fatkhullin , 08/20/2014 10:43 PM

First, let complete this cycle of improving the design of the market, and then we will move on.

We will also show the ratings of products to the authors.

Carl Schreiber:

Read the text point 8:

In the comments (on of the product) and/or the blog section (of the author on should be enough space.

While in the blog we are free to use those?

  • styles, icons, and emojis
  • third-party resources
  • third-party messengers
The blog content does not enter the rating?
Bernhard Schweigert:
The blog content does not enter the rating?

Yes, it does not


Your product ratings are now displayed in My Products

We continue to improve the Market functionality: now, Sellers can see the absolute position of their products in the My Products section. Positions are assigned to all published applications based on the calculated rating.

Hover over the rating to view the product position in the category and additional information about the product description quality. Recently, we have updated the rating calculation to reflect not only sales and downloads but also product descriptions. Overuse of emojis, headings, lengthy bold blocks, and highlighting lower the product rating.

Each Market product must represent a good programming style and provide an appropriate description for potential buyers. Flashy, intrusive, and annoying descriptions are not allowed.


Many Sellers have revised their product descriptions after we updated Market Rules. Please note that product descriptions in all languages affect the total rating. If the description in any language has not been fixed and it contains unnecessary headings, excessive bold block, emojis, and highlighting, the product rating will be lowered, even if other languages feature a well-designed description.

We recommend that Sellers revise their product descriptions in all languages and make the relevant changes. We also recommend adding product descriptions in all languages available in the The availability of information in different languages spoken by your potential customers increases your product ratings.

Revise descriptions, improve your product ratings and attract more buyers.

Rules of Using the Market Service
Rules of Using the Market Service
General Provisions and Conditions of Use service Market
MetaQuotes #:

Your product ratings are now displayed in My Products

We continue to improve the Market functionality: now, Sellers can see the absolute position of their products in the My Products section. Positions are assigned to all published applications based on the calculated rating.

Hover over the rating to view the product position in the category and additional information about the product description quality. Recently, we have updated the rating calculation to reflect not only sales and downloads but also product descriptions. Overuse of emojis, headings, lengthy bold blocks, and highlighting lower the product rating.

Each Market product must represent a good programming style and provide an appropriate description for potential buyers. Flashy, intrusive, and annoying descriptions are not allowed.


Many Sellers have revised their product descriptions after we updated Market Rules. Please note that product descriptions in all languages affect the total rating. If the description in any language has not been fixed and it contains unnecessary headings, excessive bold block, emojis, and highlighting, the product rating will be lowered, even if other languages feature a well-designed description.

We recommend that Sellers revise their product descriptions in all languages and make the relevant changes. We also recommend adding product descriptions in all languages available in the The availability of information in different languages spoken by your potential customers increases your product ratings.

Revise descriptions, improve your product ratings and attract more buyers.

Could you just explain me how the hell could I name my products??

Because I don't have a clue anymore...

Flavio Jarabeck #:

Could you just explain me how the hell could I name my products??

Because I don't have a clue anymore...

They don't mean the product title Flavio, but the product description inside.

This may be helpful:

  1. The Product must not:
    • Include links to third-party resources. All necessary information should be provided on the website: in the Product description, in the comments, or in the "Blogs" section.
    • Include links to Telegram groups or other messengers for Product support. Product support must be provided via the Product comments section or via the messaging system which supports group chats and channels.
    • Use intrusive features and ads. In particular:
      • Pop-up windows and alerts containing ads or unnecessary information at the program start,
      • Custom panels with links to third-party resources, broker affiliate links, etc.,
      • Comments on charts and text labels with sponsored links.

  2. Sellers are not recommended to:
    • Use excessive links in Product descriptions. An exception is made for Signal links demonstrating Product monitoring results.
    • Use excessive text styles in Product descriptions:
      • The Heading style should only be used for headings. It should not be used for the main text or warnings.
      • Do not use bold for large text blocks. Highlight separate short phrases, if necessary. Make sure the description does not contain too much text in bold.
      • Do not use too many Warning blocks.
      • Lists should only be used for clear enumerations. In all other cases use plain text.
      • Do not use long lists. If your Product has a large number of parameters, split them into logical blocks.
      • Do not use special characters, icons or emojis.

    If the Product does not meet the recommendations, its rating will be lowered, and it will be displayed in a worse position in the Market showcase. The Administration does not disclose quantitative parameters used for description evaluation and may remove any Product from the Market showcase without explaining which recommendations have been violated. Sellers are expected to use reasonable judgment in presenting their Products in the Market.
Flavio Jarabeck #:

Could you just explain me how the hell could I name my products??

Because I don't have a clue anymore...

Why are you saying there is a problem with your product name ? It says "bad description".

Thank you for your very cool algorithm...

The only thing I changed was the cross-link list to my other products. I'm not a Spammer.

I would like to personally shake hands with the genius who invented this algorithm...