50k dollars a month - page 7


About making "only" 50k a month, yes it's possible,  the market is predictable and forever will be, because supply and demand are subjective things, so in theory you can make as much as you want as long you are not big enough to move the markets, and so  your strategy will not work anymore


It is the exact opposite.

You can start to make 50k when you have the ability to move markets. 


About making "only" 50k a month, yes it's possible,  the market is predictable and forever will be, because supply and demand are subjective things, so in theory you can make as much as you want as long you are not big enough to move the markets, and so  your strategy will not work anymore

What I find interesting and an eye-opener, is that the moderators, on the one hand, seem to be against the general idea that it is possible to make lots of money in the market. On the other hand, they promote everything Meta Quotes and everything offered and sold on this site. 

We live and learn. 

It seems that they support the notion that you can make money in the markets using what Meta Quotes has to offer. But, not lots of money. Definitely not 50k per month. 

I do not understand that way of thinking, but I am all eyes and ears to learn the reason for that way of thinking and acting. 

I certainly find it an interesting phenomenon to try and understand.


He is saying that if you become too big, it becomes more difficult to make money because you then start to move markets.

Do you have any idea how stupid that is ?

It is the exact opposite, the more capital you have at your disposal, the more profit you can generate.

I am not against the general idea that it is possible to  make lots of money in the market but i am against the idiotic ideas that are proposed in these endless and useless topics about making 50K a month on a 1K account. 

Clearly, very clearly nobody here is even close to making 50k a month.

And nobody will ever come close to that if you continue this nonsense.

You can not make as much as you like because market amplitude is limited you can only make so much as it moves and only as much as you have capital to put in.

This means even though it's the biggest market, it is still finite when it comes to movement.

Marco vd Heijden:

He is saying that if you become too big, it becomes more difficult to make money because you then start to move markets.

Do you have any idea how stupid that is ?

It is the exact opposite, the more capital you have at your disposal, the more profit you can generate.

I am not against the general idea that it is possible to  make lots of money in the market but i am against the idiotic ideas that are proposed in these endless and useless topics about making 50K a month on a 1K account. 

Clearly, very clearly nobody here is even close to making 50k a month.

And nobody will ever come close to that if you continue this nonsense.

You can not make as much as you like because market amplitude is limited you can only make so much as it moves and only as much as you have capital to put in.

This means even though it's the biggest market, it is still finite when it comes to movement.

Yes i'm stupid, and that's rule number 1 in trading. Nobody understands how economy works, no matter how smart he is,  we only can see its effects and work on that, never the causes.

- Yes you can make as much as you want if you can predict the market move - the future- yes it's possible to predict it. Of course i'm talking about several trades winning, you need several trades but you can start small and become "as big as you want", doing several trades, as long as you are not too big because your strategy will consume yourself.

I can make 100% a day with 1000, if you are to big, you can't do that. So Yes, the more money you have, it's more difficult to make more, in % terms

Mr moderator, forgive me if perhaps i'm being a little rude, but that's just the facts


What I find interesting and an eye-opener, is that the moderators, on the one hand, seem to be against the general idea that it is possible to make lots of money in the market. On the other hand, they promote everything Meta Quotes and everything offered and sold on this site. 

We live and learn. 

It seems that they support the notion that you can make money in the markets using what Meta Quotes has to offer. But, not lots of money. Definitely not 50k per month. 

I do not understand that way of thinking, but I am all eyes and ears to learn the reason for that way of thinking and acting. 

I certainly find it an interesting phenomenon to try and understand.

I don't understand that too, it's like depreciating your own product, i never saw that in my life

Even if you knew the future, without any capital you would end up empty handed.

This is going nowhere it's a complete waste of time.

I predict that you guy's are going to try and make money, and will fail at it.

Trading takes a very specific mindset not factual nor fantasy, but staying realistic.


I suppose the ridicule and arrogance with which moderators here treat users  - as pointed out before by other users in the past, I remember an America user using those two terms, are directly proportionate to  the importance and value of Meta Quotes. 

I remember I read a story a long time ago how shop assistants in a famous London store ignore customers. 

So, at least I worked this one out: it is normal for moderators of a very important and very valuable site to treat users with ridicule and arrogance. 

Fine. I accept that. Matter closed. We will be ridiculed. 

Marco vd Heijden:

Even if you knew the future, without any capital you would end up empty handed.

This is going nowhere it's a complete waste of time.

Yes i agree, you need capital because you need to exchange something.

But you can predict the market, because they are never 100% efficient. You can't create a machine that can calculate the price of something, the price will always be subjective, so you just need to find innefficiencies and then make money, to find them, you can use fundamentals, or technical analysis, or other methods, all of them are valid

I don't understand that too, it's like depreciating your own product, i never saw that in my life

Exactly! Strange isn´t  it?