50k dollars a month - page 12


PIPS!! not points!! 

When will you ever get to understand that!!

You are a slow learner, like me. :-)

the crosshair-measure tool available in many platforms, displays points, so i choose to refer to a unit as points, never pips.


I am not a child, neither are you. 

You are insulting me. Why do you bother writing all those words above when you are insulting me. I stop reading at "child". 

Tell the forum how many months on real account have you done 10 pct consistently. 

Then we can assess if those long long threads you open on the forum are even justified, or you are just wishing it to be.

Amir Yacoby:

Tell the forum how many months on real account have you done 10 pct consistently. 

Then we can assess if those long long threads you open on the forum are even justified, or you are just wishing it to be.

Habibo Ameer ... in contest mode, in 1 week, you need more than 10% to stay in the top 50 :)

One week, contest, the first mondially ranked has made at least 100%, can you handle it ?

Non ... je mens, I'm lying ... one week 10 000$ to 100 000$, leverage 1/100. Manual trading only. 10% ?! Come on !!! 

EDIT : google, forex contest ranking, 1st result, screenshot contest one month : 

it's even not the end of March, 2018. 

and here's the full previous month : 

Icham Aidibe:

Habibo Ameer ... in contest mode, in 1 week, you need more than 10% to stay in the top 50 :)

One week, contest, the first mondially ranked has made at least 100%, can you handle it ?

Non ... je mens, I'm lying ... one week 10 000$ to 100 000$, leverage 1/100. Manual trading only. 10% ?! Come on !!! 

EDIT : google, forex contest ranking, 1st result, screenshot contest one month : 

it's even not the end of March, 2018. 

I dont need to google, I myself turned 80 usd to 120k in one month in the early days, So what? It was crazy risk and crazy luck and much of that I gave back since this is not the way to trade at all. If thats your example you are doomed.
Icham Aidibe:

Habibo Ameer ... in contest mode, in 1 week, you need more than 10% to stay in the top 50 :)

One week, contest, the first mondially ranked has made at least 100%, can you handle it ?

Non ... je mens, I'm lying ... one week 10 000$ to 100 000$, leverage 1/100. Manual trading only. 10% ?! Come on !!! 

EDIT : google, forex contest ranking, 1st result, screenshot contest one month : 

it's even not the end of March, 2018. 

and here's the full previous month : 

Icham, you are a very different kettle of fish (please forgive the very English expression, Mr French). 

That 10% story was just for that waste-of-time discussion with Carmine - who cares what his last name is? :-)

I plan for 17.5% PER DAY. 

I sometimes witness 300% profit in three days at 50 leverage and 100 % compounding in the EuroDollar market. 

I don´t put the daily possible profit percentages that my system generates. The people over here - besides you - will hate me even more if I were to do that. :-)

Amir Yacoby:
I dont need to google, I myself turned 80 usd to 120k in one month in the early days, So what? It was crazy risk and crazy luck and much of that I gave back since this is not the way to trade at all. If thats your example you are doomed.

from 80$ to 120k, it's not called luck. it's psychological, you lost once, then you choosed to never play anymore, you're looking for a stable monthly return, it's not that you're no longer taking risk, every deals came with a risk, it's just that you're now shy.

you need music. 

you need wine.


Icham, you are different kettle of fish (forgive the very English expression, Mr French). 

That 10% story was just for that waste-of-time discussion with Carmine - who cares what his last name is? :-)

I plan for 17.5% PER DAY. 

I sometimes witness 300% profit in three days at 50 leverage and 100 % compounding in the EuroDollar market. 

Go ahead then.. dont forget to count the accounts you are going to wipe. 

What is the formula?

Is it this, perhaps? Capital x Rate of Return x Time = Profit?

So:   1 x 1.1 x 1 = 1.1

Continue that into infinity and you will arrive at Profit = Infinity                      with Capital   =  1   (ONE)        or 1 Billion   (ONE BILLION).

Am I wrong?

No. I am not wrong.

I state it correctly.

Prove me wrong in a formula - in maths (I am not a mathemetician, but, I know a person who is a brilliant mathematician. I may ask him to help me).

State the formula here that proves I am wrong. 

(Please refrain from referring to masturbations. I am an adult and I think all the people who read this are too.)

I'm not sure if you took this on practice but if your double type in this formula is a percentage then you are getting constant 10% each time? either you are adding all your profit each trade and in that case your SL has to decrease each time since you won't be able to take any large drawdown to keep your total profit

Or you never get any losses 

If you have any other scenario i'd be interested to know but this formula i calculated it 100s of times and in reality it didn't work, i had to get less profit sometimes and accept losses

Amir Yacoby:
Go ahead then.. dont forget to count the accounts you are going to wipe. 

You were not suppose to respond! 

I was addressing Icham, not you!

Good night. 

Now go to bed. 


You were not suppose to respond! 

I was addressing Icham, not you!

Amir Yacoby:
Go ahead then.. dont forget to count the accounts you are going to wipe. 

When you turn 80$ to 120k, freeze your strategy, put it directly into code.

getting bored is humankind.