50k dollars a month - page 26

Amir Yacoby:
Dont you agree that a single 4 consecutive days in 30 months is far from every day
I had many two consecutive days in profit.
I also had many 40, 50, 60, 70 pip profits.
That does not interest me.
I have to be able to trade all day and end on profit. 
Now I have locked in 10% profit for today. 
There is another 5% in this deal if I buy back now.
You people tell me this is not possible.
I experience it differently every day.
I had many two consecutive days in profit.
I also had many 40, 50, 60, 70 pip profits.
That does not interest me.
I have to be able to trade all day and end on profit. 
How many accounts have gone in 30 months time?
Amir Yacoby:
How many accounts have gone in 30 months time?
That's irrelevant, isn't it?
I was learning. 
I only lost 42% of my original deposit.
The other 58% stayed in my live account for 30 months. 
Last week I topped it up to have a bigger buffer for the inevitable losses I will suffer when I go live again.
That's irrelevant, isn't it?
I was learning. 
Ok.. you can make every day 15 percent but the last time you wiped an account was how long? A month ago? Less? 2 months?

Its releveant to your statements that have no proof
Amir Yacoby:
Ok.. you can make every day 15 percent but the last time you wiped an account was how long? A month ago? Less? 2 months?

Its releveant to your statements that have no proof
You can start a demo account with any balance you want. 200 million, for example.
I have not blown one live account. 
Demo has no globally agreed standard opening balance. 
This  conversation is now going nowhere. :-)
My current SELL on the EuroDollar is running at 24 Dollar pips profit. I have locked in half or more already. I have to watch my trading.
Another first: first day in 30  months with no losses, so far today. :-) 5 Deals.
Stopped out at 30 Euro Pips profit.
40.95 Euro Pips = 20% profit today.
You people say this is not possible.
I experience it every day. :-)
I think it is  good that traders know it is possible.
That is the only reason I wrote what I wrote here today.
Obviously, I won't do this tomorrow.
I hope to visit here next time with the above type of results on my live account.
You can start a demo account with any balance you want. 200 million, for example.
I have not blown one live account. 
Demo has no globally agreed standard opening balance. 
This  conversation is now going nowhere. :-)
My current SELL on the EuroDollar is running at 24 Dollar pips profit. I have locked in half or more already. I have to watch my trading.
Another first: first day in 30  months with no losses, so far today. :-) 5 Deals.
Stopped out at 30 Euro Pips profit.
40.95 Euro Pips = 20% profit today.
You people say this is not possible.
I experience it every day. :-)
I think it is  good that traders know it is possible.
That is the only reason I wrote what I wrote here today.
Obviously, I won't do this tomorrow.
I hope to visit here next time with the above type of results on my live account.
What you did today or in the last 5 days is totaly irelevant. Every body knows it is possible to make 100 pct in one deal, 200 pct in one day etc. But, this does not prove you can do it every day, and you also admit you haven't done it even for 4 days (except just once).
So what is all the fuss.. you are going to be wiped out even if you do 4 days 20 pct profit. 
You can start a demo account with any balance you want. 200 million, for example.
I have not blown one live account. 
Demo has no globally agreed standard opening balance. 
This  conversation is now going nowhere. :-)
My current SELL on the EuroDollar is running at 24 Dollar pips profit. I have locked in half or more already. I have to watch my trading.
Another first: first day in 30  months with no losses, so far today. :-) 5 Deals.
Stopped out at 30 Euro Pips profit.
40.95 Euro Pips = 20% profit today.
You people say this is not possible.
I experience it every day. :-)
I think it is  good that traders know it is possible.
That is the only reason I wrote what I wrote here today.
Obviously, I won't do this tomorrow.
I hope to visit here next time with the above type of results on my live account.

Everything is pointing towards risk management so lets forget about 100% per day and start taking it from there


Hello forum

Has anyone met or contacted those successful scalpers who make fictional figures of profit per month? im starting to think its a myth, haven't met anyone real who can scalp for those high profits, using a small account as a start!

$50000 per month, this is $2300-2500 per day. I tried yesterday to answer your provocative question and made sure that this is possible if you will be trading about like this.

Ivan Negreshniy:
 if you will be trading about like this.

But it won't be.

Marco vd Heijden:

But it won't be.

lol Marco i kind of understand that you are correcting the path in here, is there ever a yes in this topic if the question was more reasonable?