Disbelief - It's luck not skill - page 5


ok lets keep it cool I know everyone losing their saving or their house by playing forex but lets stay cool and do something productive and profitable together.



I agree with hamy.Let's shift our Prime focus on developing a new and independent SYSTEM that suits for any kind of market, and for any market other than FOREX also, AND make it available to the members of this forum, in an educative way..

Let not our efforts get dissipated in individual attacks against the members here. Each one of us has in us, the tons and tons of strength and knowledge..and let's channelize it properly.



It can take years to be a competent trader, the rest of you who dream of being profitable are deluded.

Dont discourage them, we need losers.

Why dont you offer some practical help, it might be fun

Set up a trading room and teach them how to use lagging indicators which are totally useless , and moving averages or the new holy grail hull moving averages, and fuck new traders for $100 per month to learn in my trading room?I will leave that to the useless pros who hang around forums, it is not my style.I would rather make 50 pips a day for $1,000 per pip from trading,easier way to earn than teaching.

I wouldnt set up a trading room for all the tea in China. What a way to make a living listening to winging whining morons to stupid to tie their own shoelaces !

I was thinking more along the lines of you offering a bit of advice to counteract the nonsense that gets spouted on threads like these. I've already offered to help point people in the right direction, its my good deed for the day.

Dont be a grumpy old twat

As for those lagging indicators, it is perfectly possible to use then to make more money than you can shake a stick at, but you wont find those types of methods discussed here.

It is fuckin tiring, I really did not expect so much work and time involved.Sad thing is my real EAS for real accounts only manage 50 % a year.

To be honest, I'm not sure these things are ever finished, its a never ending treadmill. There's practically never a day goes by where I'm not tinkering with Ray the random Robot.

You should learn to code, life would be easier, but I agree, its tiring.


Dear Kelvinator,,

I am big confusion and dilemma about trading forex. i tryed many indicators and EAs , but still struggling. please help how to be successful in trading.

Please teach me method , you following.

thank you very much


(email removed by admin)

Hello hamy I have a trade training course by a dr of finance who recently passed away.I do not share it on open forum but will share it only through email only.It has several hour long webinars that he will teach you his method of trading and how to spot a trend enter in correctly and scale in more positions and exit with profit and take a 100pip trend and make 400 pips out of it.It comes with template and indicators.You must not get bored with it and you must learn all that he is teaching you and when you finish you will look at trading a totally different way.If you want it send me a p,m with your address to send it.
is it a atm machine ?

ATM is an acronym for Automated Teller Machine, so why do we always to refer to it as an automated teller machine machine ? rather than an AT machine

Same with Bank Identifier Codes why do we call them BIC Codes rather than BI codes

Are these people running our banks completely stupid ?

You may notice that those who claim that trading Forex is impossible didnt take up my offer of assistance. The truth is that they cant even be bothered to post a few statements ! its no wonder these people fail. That offer is now withdrawn


hi everyone

look my friends do u know anyone that successfully trade and make on forex?! iam talking about regual guys with limited funds, everyone just talk talk talk now regarding statements how that gone help?!!!!!!!!! and who gone send live trade statements of last three years trading 100 orders per day! if anyone has made or trading successfully just post it or let it rest for good and stop wasting time.


hi everyone look my friends do u know anyone that successfully trade and make on forex?! iam talking about regual guys with limited funds, everyone just talk talk talk now regarding statements how that gone help?!!!!!!!!! and who gone send live trade statements of last three years trading 100 orders per day! if anyone has made or trading successfully just post it or let it rest for good and stop wasting time. cheers

I trade forex for a living, and I have done since 2004. I have an independantly audited track record, and most years I return in excess of 100% per annum.

I could if I wished teach you how to do the same. I offered to analyse your statements in order to help you. I cannot help you unless I understand where you are going wrong.

If you think thats a waste of time, then that explains an a great deal as to why you are failing. All you had to do was post a statement. I on the other hand would have needed to spend a considerable amount of time analysing your problem, and formulating a plan for you to follow.

I offered to do it because I thought it might help others beside yourself. As I say, the offer is now withdrawn.

Good luck, you'll certainly need it

I've been trying for years to pursue this dream of forex profits. I am now convinced it is nothing more than a mirage in the desert. I've tried, and tried, and tried, and tried, and..... statistically, it is just inconceivable that someone could lose so consistently, so often, so much, so badly. If success were possible, my string of losses should not be so consistent. I would at least have an uptrend in equity at some point. But it's a steady ride down. It is disgusting to have exerted so much effort for absolutely no reward. And let's face it, the odds in the long run are 50/50. The only way you can win is by luck. Getting in when your method yields more than a 50/50 chance, and getting out before your method goes below 50/50 chances. So it is a matter of timing. The luck of starting to trade a method at the right time, and the luck of stopping to trade that method at the right time. LUCK, LUCK, LUCK, without the luck, you're fucked. I don't believe that forex can be traded profitably without considerable luck. Whatever is being claimed as a skill is really just luck. I can't believe that anyone is making money at this other than by the grace of luck. Let's just call this game what it is, the unlucky ones transferring their money to the lucky ones. Too bad hard work doesn't get you anywhere. Too bad it boils down to luck. The only problem is that you can't buy luck. You either have it or you don't, regardless of whether you deserve it or not.

You may need to first consider your trading environment and what kind of trading style you are actually using to trade the market.

I can understand your feelings but I think you are completely doing wrong.

People learn from their mistakes so they do not repeat.

My advice is to first get some knowledge and experience!

Kind regards,

-Muhammad Azeem

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