Disbelief - It's luck not skill - page 12


A trader depend on his skill where as a gambler depend on his luck. A trader life is long where as a gambler life is short


If you trade through a gambler system, go to any casino, and at least there you wi'll see nice women/men.

My suggest:

- 6 different systems: 3 scalping (bullish, bearish, in range)

3 day trading (bullish, bearish, in range)

If you can't do that, another good chance are the signal marketplaces. Choose differents signals and do a good portfolio.


Do only the opposite of what you were doing (if you previously bought, then sell and if you previously sold, then buy). Try your luck that way and then see.


This just isn't true. But your behavior is typical. I make my living trading. i trade stocks and Forex. I use the exact same systems for both and consistently make money in both. I have bad days, but I don't have bad months anymore. Forex is more luck driven than the stock market, but only slightly. Do you think that the gamblers on the World Poker Tour are just luckier than the average poker player? or do you think maybe they have learned something? They win because they play only when they have a mathematical edge. When they lose that edge, they fold. When they have it, they gamble. Like the professional gambler, the pofessional trader bets on probabilities instead of possibilities.

The fact that you've consistently lost money with absolutely no upward movement tells me that you either need to completely change what you're doing, or you need to stick to doing one thing over and over and over again. It is unlikely that any system can fail 100% of the time. You're probably buying lows and getting stopped out. Tight stops, right? They'll kill an account FAST!


My God you said that well.

You gotta know when to roll.

Perfectly said, Good luck Yall

Luck is the residue of hard work.

No one here long ago gave any good ideas, just ranting. I would like to know more about the random trading and sub systems.

No one even asked what the yearly return goal should be for a trader and the risk. Most currency trading is random and so a good result may be a result of luck. To try to find a good system you need to look at charts and think of ideas and then test them.

Most importantly no one needs to focus on currency. You could focus on DowJones which has strong uptrend over its history. This gives the buy side trader a positive expected value, which is not easily the case in forex. Other examples may be companies with stable earnings, it is logical for them to eventually go up due to the profits being earned, therefore a positive expected value for buy side, although with risks specific to the companies.

An idea: Look at coca cola, stable company, sometimes share price is up and sometimes down. If the price of coca cola goes down from a point you choose by 10%, then Buy and wait for it to rise by 10% or more.

Do this 100 times and make a good profit.