The London Open - page 156



I am a plum for closing out that last 50% in CABLE...Infact a donkey!!!

I havent been happy with how the markets have been trading this last week so thought it was best to chop it.

That was my lack of patience!

Have a good one.



Well done all...

Yes great morning and lost of pips available in CABLE and EURUSD.

I only took CABLE but happy with the trade.

Speak later


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Ok so DOW rallies and weak USD hits the market so you see rallies across the board.

Your stops in CABLE were at 1.4880 for the 50% left on the trade so unfortunately we didnt make on this last part. I was out for a coffee when my stop got hit so i lost 2 pips on my 50% of my postion

Vvvvv happy with EURGBP. As you all know this is my only longer term postion. I have banked a couple of times on this and still targeting 0.8500.

So lesson for today is to bank at support levels (as we did) at 55 and 23 and then roll stop down incase of bounces like today.

Well done team!



1.5000 has broken!!!


DOW is an animal today making the $ related currencies hard to trade...

They should be setup well for 123s tomorrow but not today.

Happy with EURGBP.



Morning all

When will this MP break in EURUSD... Driving me nuts!!!

We had the perfect little trade on and up 24 pips, looking for 25 pips and didnt chop it. Silly but i had my rule and went for the 25...Decided to show respect to the MP and felt it was best to cut the position after it retraced. Silly i know but thats trading and u have to make judgement calls at the time. Easy looking back!

Looking for CABLE, GBPJPY and EURUSD to fall away today as explained in teh room..Lots of pips available here on the breaks.



Morning Notes


• Resting well on the 1.5000 level.

• Personally feel CABLE is tough to trade around the 1.5000 but does look a little toppy here.

• If we see a break of the 60min 20ma with a pullback to the 60min 20ma for a 123 then I will look for a short but at the moment I will hold off and wait for the break.


• MP is key support and I am looking for this to break over the nest 24 to 48 hours.

• Would technically prefer to wait for the MP to break and then a 123 but for risk reward you could short now (95) with a stop above the DP at 25.

• I am short with 30 pip risk.


• Strong downtrend and hard to sell at these levels but also difficult buy unless we see a solid 123 above the 60min 20ma.

• Best to hold off unless you are already short.


Well team i am very impressed with you all..The 123 has worked perfectly in CABLE.

Ronald well done and i am very impressed with all of you who took the trade.

The room went short of CABLE between 45 and 60 with a stop above the 60min 20ma.

We banked 50% at 30pips and holding balance for now.


PS Well done to those who took the 123 in GBPJPY. Chris is up over 160 pips. EURUSD was taken by some for 25 as well.

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Ok taken a cheeky one at 1.4920 and pre empting a break lower.

Not here to watch as going for a beer but lets see.

Only 30 pip risk



Glad i got back in time...It looked like it would punch lower for a few (as it did) but i didnt set a TP.

I have just closed out my CABLE for flat...

DOW bid, USDJPY dragging GBPJPY.

See u tom.




Good morning

Its Friday!!!


• Head and Shoulders on 60min chart and GBP looks weak again below the 4hr 20ma

• Looking for small pullback to the 1.4880 region for short with stop at 1.491

• If not looking for break of the neckline at 1.4845 (This would be reduced stake as wider stop


• Broken MP and EUR is weakening

• Looking for pullback to the 1.3125 region for short with stop at 1.315

• I will need to see double top on a 5min chart after the pullback for confirmation of a short


• Still short and hard to enter at this level

• Best to play CABLE or EURUS